I Got Your Butterfly (A Sad SHINee One Shot)

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The birds didn’t even dare sing to each other on this evening. With the sun hanging low and orange in the sky, nature itself hid since it could feel the somber air that had taken up residence in its home. It seemed to be making too pretty a picture for such a sad occasion.

                In the cemetery far away from the warm colors of the clouds above stood many people. A few had trickles of tears streaming down their faces. No shame was bared as hearts were torn to tiny smithereens. The others that managed to keep themselves together and keep their faces free of the salty liquid could be seen falling apart in different ways…

                Their eyes, cast downwards to the casket lying parallel to the hole in the ground, were completely blank of happy emotions.

                It was hard to recall smiles and laughter when everything you knew was falling one by one inside of you… Falling into your eyes to make sobbing pictures that were further more polished off with the glaze of tears that refused to shed.

                A breeze lifted the white petals of the roses decorating the coffin into the air. A couple slid from the glossy coat and onto the green of the grass. A trail of beautiful innocence…

                Not one person surrounding the casket made a move to arrange the display back to its perfection. All knew by now that perfection was an impossible achievement. The still body covered by layers of wood, varnish and flowers was proof enough of that.

                A choking sob was what broke the tense silence. The four boy standing closest to the casket finally look up – faces as solemn as ever as they searched the small area for whoever had just disturbed the peace.

                It was difficult to focus however, so the four quickly gave up, hanging their heads once again to mourn in themselves.

                The minister stepped up from the crowd, having decided that it was time to begin the ceremony. It couldn’t be postponed any longer… Death had already reached it poisonous claws out to these people anyways… Delaying the closure of this tragedy would just make for another burden on their shoulders.

                “Today marks a tragic moment…” the middle aged man began.

                Word after word was dropped out of his mouth. They slipped off his tongue in a monotonous pattern; every syllable was suspended in the air a moment longer than usual before it actually reached the ears of the mourners.

                As the minister spoke, speaking kind words about the person he’d never known, he glanced around to the friends and family of the lost. His knowing eyes lingered on the four boys who barely seemed to be present or aware of anything that was going on around them.

                Each boy held a vacant expression as they continuously surveyed the casket.  

                The minister could only wonder if they were waiting for it to open… Waiting for their treasured companion to push open the lid and embrace them; to laugh and tell them to cheer up; that it’d all been just a big joke…

                If only that could have been the case.

                A few people came up after the minister. They said everything they could before their throats closed up and they were forced by their own emotions to retreat back to the secluded shoulder of a loved one.

                Alas, as the sun kissed the ground and began its transition to dark, the casket was picked up and lowered into the ground at an agonizingly slow pace. Seemingly prolonging the torture everyone had been feeling for days already.

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