Night Parties? Bad idea

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"I'll be there... but only if my friend comes too"

I quickly turned to look at Miley.

Was she nuts?

Andrew gave it a thought and shot a glance at me.

"No problem" he shrugged.

Putting a hand on her cheek, he added

"Just as long as you'll be there" before walking away.

"What was that?" I scowled at Miley.

"An invitation?" She asked, confused

"To a night party! You know I don't do night parties"

Miley here was a... how to put this without sounding mean?... a slut?

No offence Miley!

But she was the only friend I had and as much as I was okay being a big nerd, I didn't mind a friend or two.

Miley and I are polar opposites. I love books, she considers books a torture, I wear comfortable baggy clothes, she puts on clothes that show a whole lot of her body. I'm a nerd, she's a diva. Even I don't understand how we became friends.

She's never asked me to do anything with her until now.

I know she was just trying to be a good friend, but I really wasn't prepared for this.

"Relax would'ya? There's nothing to it."

I tried to calm myself with the thought of it being a normal party.

What do mean normal. Just think of what awaits you tonight. Its a night party!!!

My inner voice spoke up, but I shut it out and went to my next class

I HAD IT WITH THE BAD BOY (The bad boy's bed buddy)Where stories live. Discover now