She And Him

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Author's note: I was bored lol, but at least i finished it pfft. This was for fun, you don't have to take this seriously, but if you like it you know what to do just click that vote button and if you want to tell me how much you love it or like it, you can comment :D Well, thanks for reading.


The girl was walking on the sidewalk and as she walked, she saw him. The boy that she tried to talk to for so many years, but couldnt. She imagined seeing him every time, before going to sleep and telling him how she felt. As they pass by each other, she tries so hard not to look back. She couldnt fight it, so she looks back and see's the boy walk furthur until he stops at a stop sign looking both ways. She starts to speedwalk to the stop sign. He looked at her confused, but slightly smiled at her.

"Hey," he says.

"Uh, hi." She trembled. She was feeling her body burn up now.

"How are you?" he asks intrigued. 

"Uh, I'm good you know same old." She answered biting her lip while curling her feet in her black flats.

"You want to know something?" the both said at the same time.

The boy chuckles,"you can go."

"I like you." She smiles.

"Well, umm good." He nods.

"You must think I'm an idiot." She answers looking down at her flats.

"No, no it's just I don't know. I didn't think you would say that, you know?" He replies.

"Okay, umm what were you going to tell me?" She asks looking up turning to him scratching her head.

"I like you,too." He chuckled.

She And HimWhere stories live. Discover now