The Truth

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"Good riddance." Ciel exclaimed, plopping down onto the chair behind his desk. "I thought I'd never rid myself of her." He was referring to Lizzie, who had insisted she stay through breakfast, then lunch and eventually dinner, requested several dances, and invited him to a banquet for the following week.
"She's getting quite persistent." The earls butler observed, amused, and looked at him with those perfect, crimson eyes, surrounded by that perfect black hair and perfect smirk. 'Damn it, Ciel! Stop!' He tried to push the thoughts away. 'Why do I keep thinking about him?' Ciel sighed. "I've had to entertain her all day, and barely have the to work." He motions towards a stack of papers.
Sebastian frowns. "Your going to do them now? You have tutoring tomorrow starting at sunrise and you don't get enough sleep as is."
"I'll be fine." The Earl replies, "today's paperwork is important. I've agreed to sell part of Funtums Indian branch, and I need to make sure they understand my conditions."
"And you believe midnight is an appropriate time to made decisions that, if chosen poorly, could ruin your company?" Sebastian questions.
Ciel looked away. He wouldn't let Sebastian tell him what to do. He was probably controlling Ciel's feeling somehow. Yes. That was it. He probably made the earl's heart pound so he could control him. Make him do what the demon wanted. 'I'm the master, Sebastian!' Ciel thought. 'That's not going to change.' "I do what I must." The Earl answered, refusing his butlers advice. 'He doesn't care if I sleep well or not anyway. He's just following procedure. He just cares that I stay alive long enough for him to devour my soul.'
Sebastian's POV
Sebastian sighed as he closed the study door behind him. He made a mental note to come back in case the young master ends up falling asleep in his chair. Doing so had become a reoccurring pattern for Ciel, which came as a bit of annoyance to the boy's butler.
Heading down to the kitchen, Sebastian ordered Baldroy to finish up his work. "The day is over. You'd do well to get some sleep." The cook nods, as Sebastian adds, "if you run into the others, be sure to relay the message that they have my permission to wrap up. I'm not going to bother looking for them."
"Yes, sir!" Baldroy salutes as Sebastian proceeds towards Ciel's bedroom. He fluffed the pillows and blankets and closed the curtains, lighting a candle that he placed on the young master's bedside table. He then returned to the study. As expected, Ciel was sound asleep, his lips parted slightly. "Honestly, my lord," Sebastian frowned, walking over to the sleeping figure. "If you keep this up, you'll hurt your back." He scooped up Ciel and moved towards the door. The boy shifted in Sebastian's arms, unconsciously making himself more comfortable.
Sebastian paused, and looked down at him. His gaze softened, and a gentle smile appeared on his face. He moved to stroke the boys cheek tenderly with his gloved finger, and headed back to Ciel's room. He lay the Earl down on the bed. "I wish I could tell you the truth." He whispered softly, pulling the covers over him. "Goodnight, bocchan." He blows out the candle and walks from the room, making his way to his own.
He slipped off his coat and sat down on his bed, running his fingers through his hair. He knew he only had a few moments of peace before he had to prepare for morning. His palms were sweaty, and he felt hot. He unbutton his white shirt, then lay down, closing his eyes, and loosing track of time.
Suddenly, a muffled scream sounded from the other end of the hall. Sebastian's ears perked. He shot out of bed and race towards Ciels room. "Young master!" He shouted in alarm.

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