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Hey everyone! As some of you may have noticed, I took my other Hunger Games fan-fiction down from Wattpad. I haven't been updating it, and it seems rather pointless to keep it up. Anyway, I was cleaning my desk the other day, and I found a list of all my tributes from Author Games that I've participated in. So I started thinking... What if all my tributes made a comeback? Some of the tributes won't be in the same Districts that they were originally in, but that's just because I have so many tributes. I think there's 29 of my original tributes, but they're mostly girls, so I made up two males that'll die in the Bloodbath. The famous Capitol citizens in this story (Gamemakers, Interview Host & President) will come from my latest Author Games (that has yet to start XD)

Warning; there are a few crazy / stupid / disturbed tributes in here, and their thoughts will reflect their personalities. If you read something in this book that doesn't make sense, then just know that I'm trying to match the tribute. If you want to learn more about a specific tribute, feel free to PM me and I'll send you the tribute form :)

This book is rated M for coarse language, some sexual references and strong violence. Read at your own risk. Also, there are bound to be a few typos in this book. I'm only human XD so please point them out and let me know where my errors lie. Hopefully they're few and far between. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this book! Just like to point out that I am Australian, so some spelling might be different from yours (ie. mum, centre, etc). If that's the case, and you think I spelt something wrong, make sure to search it up first XD

So, welcome to the 544th Annual Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favour!


"Hello and welcome, Capitol citizens, to the Pre-Game Show! I'm your host, Genevieve Harlow, here with all the latest Hunger Games gossip. Now, without further ado, I'd like to welcome our President and Head Gamemaker, Laurence Silver!" Genevieve says cheerfully, rising to her feet and leading the round of applause. Laurence takes to the stage, dressed in a custom-made silver suit with strategically placed glitter. Instead of making him look silly, it just makes him look intimidating. Like when a knife flashes in the moonlight.

"Hello Genevieve." The President says, delicately kissing her hand. Genevieve giggles good-naturedly, before waving him to a seat. Once the President is seated, she sits back in her own place. For the interviews, she'd forgone her usual floaty dresses in favour of a more formal version. She was wearing a gorgeous gown, in her trademark bright pink colour, that was trimmed in gold. Her dark brown hair was hanging loosely around her shoulders, and her glasses had little pink rhinestones in the corners.

"So, Mr Silver, how are the Games coming along?" Genevieve asked slyly, smirking at the audience. She probably doesn't know what the arena is yet, for the discretion needed as a Gamemaker would be overruled by her inner gossip, the main reason she became the interviewer. She needed to keep things interesting without giving anything important away.

"So far, so good. The arena has been built, the traps have been set and the mutts have been placed. All we need now are the tributes. Then we'll have a full class." Laurence laughed. The majority of the citizens laughed along with him. He turned his head and grinned at the crowd, before delicately waving his hand in a clear gesture for Genevieve to continue her interview.

"Sounds like you have a good plan for this year's Games, huh?" Genevieve asked with a small smile. Laurence nodded, and Genevieve kept talking. "How about the trainers? Have you replaced all the equipment that was damaged in that horrible Renegade attack?" Laurence's mood darkened noticably, and Genevieve seemed to fold in on herself a bit. She didn't want to anger the President. Thankfully, though, it seemed as if his ire was directed elsewhere.

"Those illiterate imbeciles are hardly worth my time. The 'large' damage they caused barely cost anything to repair. The training centre is in perfect shape, and all the trainers have been interrogated. The Renegades won't be able to hide for long; all my people are searching for them. And when they're caught, they'll be properly punished." Laurence said heatedly. Genevieve nodded her head in agreement, before steering the conversation away from dangerous waters.

"And a good thing too; we wouldn't want them to cause any more trouble. So, Mr Silver, are there any hints that you can give us about the arena?" Genevieve asked curiously. She knew that she'd be told later that night, but her insatiable curiousity got the better of her.

"All I'll say is that it seems like it's going to be the best Games we've had in a decade. I hope you've all paid attention, I've given you some major clues to the arena for this year's Games. You just have to learn where to look." Laurence said mysteriously. Genevieve arched her delicate eyebrows in surprise; nothing in their conversation had jumped out at her. Oh well; it wasn't like she really needed to know anything just yet.

"Thanks for the information President Silver, but unfortunately that's all we have time for tonight." Genevieve said, looking disappointed.

"Thank-you for having me, Miss Harlow." Laurence said graciously, before shaking Genevieve's hand and silently exiting the stage, followed by a loud round of thunderous applause. Genevieve clapped along with the citizens, before turning to face the nearest camera.

"You heard it folks, right from the President's mouth. These Games are going to be the best one's we've seen in a while, so stay tuned! Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour!" Genevieve stood and waved at the crowd, before walking smoothly off the stage. Loud conversations broke out among the Capital citizens, before they all began to disperse. Genevieve peeked out from behind the thick curtain, watching the last man leave. When he was gone, she went and sat back in her chair, staring at the bright white lights that illuminated the stage. Her eyes stung with unshed tears, but she wouldn't let them fall. Not now, not here. After a few more minutes of sitting silently, she turned and exited the stage, for good this time.

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