The End

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     I met Comma the day the world ended. Funny... I'd always pictured the end of the world to be this big event. Fire and brimstone. Plague and pestilence. Armageddon. But that wasn't the case; the world literally just ended. No nuclear fallout, no zombie apocalypse, no alien invasion—everything just sort of... stopped.

     And it's not like there was panic or anything like that. As soon as it happened, we all just knew. The world wasn't the world anymore. It was nothing. And once we realized it was nothing, we could peel it away. So the world just stopped, and then everybody started peeling it away, all at once, like dead skin.

     So I started peeling too, because, naturally, I wanted to see what was underneath. So there I was, peeling away everything I ever was and would have been. And, wouldn't you know it, there was nothing underneath. So much nothing that I couldn't even process it. You'd think that'd freak me out, but that was the old way. That all stopped. So I kept peeling until it was all gone.

     And then there was just me, Comma, and more nothing than either of us could ever dream of.

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