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Life sucks.
There's always secrets,lying,or tons of other things people do that hurt other people. The worst thing about life though is the middle school I have to go to everyday. It feels like like torture on an eleven year old. There's lots of weird things that happen there too, like one day on a field trip it seemed like one of my teachers grew larger teeth and hissed at me. Another day,one kid I've never met before said to me "son of Zeus,you will die a slow and painful death" and that was really creepy. Anyway one day at school,I was in my class and all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around I realized it was my best friend Frank giving me a note. When I opened the note and read it,it said "Who is your favorite Greek god?". I know this might seem like a weird question but the note also said "P.S. I'm very bored." So I answered the note and put Zeus because for all my life,I've felt a very strong attraction to him. One time when I told Frank that he joked and asked me do I feel like I wanna kiss him so in return for that joke,I punched him in the gut. After about a week he told me his gut still hurts. Right after I put the S in Zeus,the intercom came on and it was the principal AGAIN asking for me. Since I always get called to the principal's office,everyone in my class started to assume I was getting in trouble so they joked about it. I didn't know it at the time but this could be the very last time I could hear the jokes of my classmates. Anyway,I started walking to the principal's office. As I was walking to the office I started to realize that I've never actually met the principal I've only heard her talk. When I usually go to the principal's office I talk to the vice principal or the secretary but never the principal herself. When I was halfway to the principal's office I started to hear noises in the hallway so naturally I walked faster but the weird thing was when I turned around,I saw long scratch marks on the lockers which I was 100% sure weren't there just a second ago. Then I practically ran when I saw a flash of yellow in the corner of my eye. Finally after what felt like a lifetime, I made it to the principal's office and sat down on a waiting chair until the principal came. After a long time of waiting the principal moved her finger in a way that seemed kind of evil,which was weird since she looked like a pretty nice lady. So after that I went with the principal in a room and once we were both inside she went behind me and locked the door which put me a little bit on edge. After she circled me like what seemed about 100 times she asked me "what are you most afraid of?" So I answered and told her a little embarrassed that I'm afraid of not being better than everyone else. After I told her that she wrote something down on her clipboard which I was also 100% sure she didn't have when she walked in. The next question she asked was "which parent do you live with?" Then I started to think that she was getting too personal and that's exactly what I told her. What she did next was weird. She...growled,and told me to just answer the question .So I did and I said I live with my mom. For the record when she growled she made my spine tingle. After that she asked me a lot of other personal questions and when she finished I asked "Can I leave now?" After that question she got up on her desk and started....transforming. Then she started talking to me and getting closer and bigger. She started saying "no JShon Jackson,you may not leave especially since you are a rare son of Zeus and I would like to have the pleasure of eating you. It was at that moment when she said the word you that multiple things happened at once the principal/monster-thing lunged at me,there was a huge explosion,and the fire alarm went of and water was poring out of the sprinklers.(those last two things weren't very exciting). Once the principal monster was close to getting me with her claws,I rolled out of the way just as she swiped at the place I had just been. Then after I was steady I grabbed the hardest object I could find:A fire extinguisher and I hit the monster in the head right when it leaped at me again. Meanwhile,as I was walking away I noticed Frank telling me to come follow him but I probably imagined it because it looked like Frank had goat legs which couldn't be possible. Then I realized I wasn't dreaming and Frank really had goat legs. Then I finally I ran into the woods with Frank and as we  were running I heard the police sirens blare and firetrucks wail. Then Frank told me not to stop running no matter what. After a very long time of running I asked to Frank if we could stop and he said only for a little bit. While we were resting I asked Frank the basic questions like what are you?,and what is happening. When I asked the what are you question he said very angrily that he was a satyr. Then he told me that I was something called a half-blood or demigod and that thing that attacked me was a monster called a Chimera but the craziest, most unbelievable, thing my best friend in the entire world said to me was I am the second and last son of Zeus,Lord of the sky,God of thunder,and king of the gods.

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