Under Shattered Perfection

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A shattered world of promise perfection

Lies in the palms of your hands;

     A mirror image of society’s curse

     That had tempted these young girls’ minds (even yours),

Is only but shards of expectations

And broken illusions of a ‘perfect girl.’

     But under the deceptions that lay in your hands,

     Is a portrait of true beauty that only you can understand;

So place the world back together as best as you can,

And beyond the cracks of imperfection will a memory lie~

     A realization that you had always been P E R F E C T

     in your own beautiful eyes.

Author's Note:

{ This was a little something I wrote for a creative writing class. I was inspired by the fact that all we see in our mirrors is the illusion of what society wants us to be. But when we spend so much time being somebody we cannot be, we end up losing ourselves in the all the deceptions. So, next time you look in the mirror, make sure its the you you truly see, and don't forget to tell yourself that you are, and will always be, the perfect image of beauty. }

Thank you,

    Love Me.

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