Chapter 9: Face the Music

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The green light faded and the two girls stayed still. Sophie had her eyes tightly shut and was crossing her arms and firmly gripping them. Riley glanced around cautiously and then tapped Sophie’s shoulder. “ Sophie, open your eyes.” She said softly while steadily turning and taking in their surroundings. Sophie’s hands relaxed and she let her wary eyes dart around.

“ Oh wow! Where are we?” She chirped. Huge fronds were drooping down under their own weight and brushing the trainer and breeder’s head. Other strange plants stroked their legs, but everything was a bright, verdant green. Strange Pokemon flitted from branch to branch and scampered under the colossal leaves. Riley pulled out her Pokedex and it quickly registered a Pidgey, Oddish, and Rattata.

“ These Pokemon are usually found in the Kanto region, but have been seen in a variety of others.” The Pokedex replied in its smooth monotone voice. 

Sophie’s eyes widened and Riley said wistfully, “ We’re somewhere far from home...” Then, the green Pokemon flew in front of Riley Pokedex, smiled, and twittered happily. 

The Pokedex quickly scanned it and said, “ Celebi, this Pokemon is said to be the voice of the forest and have the ability to travel through time.” 

Sophie glanced at Riley in astonishment and looked about again. “ Do you think that’s where we are? In the Kanto region? Back in time?” She said. 

Riley shrugged. “ It seems kinda crazy, don’t you think?” She laughed nervously. “ Time travel...” Celebi put her hands on her hips as if disapproving Riley’s doubt, darted through the air, and tugged on Riley’s hair. “ Ow!” She cried. “ Ok, ok. I believe you!” Sophie and Celebi laughed at the same time and Riley suddenly saw the resemblance. They wore the same smile as she observed them. “ You guys should see yourselves. The similarity is... Creepy.” The two looked at each and giggled. Then, Celebi became serious. It fluttered down and grabbed the girls hands.

“ I think Celebi wants to show us something.” Sophie said to Riley. “ Oooh! This is going to be so exciting!” She laughed as Celebi led them through the bright forest.


Tomas burst into the building, heavily breathing and with Lenora following close behind. “ Where’s Team Plasma? Are they here yet?” He shouted to seemingly everyone in the building. Each person looked at each other waiting for someone to give him an answer. Mary pushed through the crowd with several groomers and suddenly took charge. 

“ We sent several people out to search for Team Plasma, but none of ‘em have come back yet. Probably because we have no idea what they’re arriving in, laddie.” She added and Tomas reddened. “ They may be arriving incognito, however, an’ if that’s the case it’ll be much harder to find ‘em. We’ve also contacted the police and now have some officers on their way an’ others scoutin’. We figured Lenora could get Burgh an’ they could help us here if there was any  battlin’. Don’t much care where you go, but we could use another scout.” Tomas flinched at the last sentence, but nodded and headed out the door.

They think I’m worthless, don’t they? Weak and unable to fend for myself. This is worse then losing to Cress. At least no one was there to mock me back when I lost, but now... Tomas sulked while walking down one of the long wharves and looking for any possible transportation for Team Plasma. None of the boats looked threatening. In fact they all looked pretty cheery. Ring! Ring! Ring! Tomas sighed and reached into his bag, looking for his Xtransceiver. His hand met a smooth round object and he lifted it out while the ringing continued. It was a Pokeball and he suddenly felt grateful for it. Thankful. If it hadn’t been for you I wouldn’t have any Pokemon. He thought to it. The Xtransceiver rang again and his line of thought was broken. He quickly flipped it open. “ This is Tomas. Who’s calling?”

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