Possession of the Alpha

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I wasn't too bothered about moving away from NewYork. Yes it was where I grew up but it was very busy. When they say its the city that never sleeps they ain't kidding! There was always activity,day and night and eventually you just crave abit of...silence. Don't get me wrong I love NewYork but I was also excited to move somewhere new,meet new people,find new friends and most importantly find my mate. I am 17 now,so I've been able to find my mate for a year but as you can guess I have not yet been that lucky.

My names Hazel Jones, as I said I am 17 and I am moving to Vancouver. I was part of the Red Crest pack back in NewYork but now since I'm moving I have to also move packs.

I left my pack 2 days ago and already I feel empty. My mind link has been disconnected and I feel so alone,usually I would be bombarded by my friend Lilly through the link but now that Ive left theres nothing. I don't really want to join another pack. I loved my last one and I feel like I'd be betraying them just going and joining another pack like they didn't even matter. But unfortunately I don't have a choice, 1 because being a rouge is definitely not a good idea for me. If an alpha catches a rouge they usually kill them and im too young to die! And 2 because my grandfather lives in Vancouver and is very close to the alpha of a specific pack out there so is desperate for me to join. He said he spoke to the alpha and when I get to Vancouver I am to go straight to the pack house after my first day of school. Oh joy...

As I was saying in order to find my mate,I had to start looking in other places. This is actually one of the reasons why my mom wanted to move ,not the only one but definitely one of the main ones.

My moms a doctor...a werewolf doctor,so she also wanted to move because Vancouver is actually full of were wolves. They are everywhere so my mom jumped at the idea of being able to treat so many of our kind. I had to love that,my mom is so compassionate and loving so I couldn't stand in the way of an opportunity like this for her.

So here I am in a brand new town,with brand new people and potentially my mate. Let the fun begin.


Hazels P.O.V

I shifted in my seat as I laid eyes on our new home,honestly it was beautiful. A small white house with green detailing on the window panels,pale green window boxes full off sweet little flowers and a garden with flower beds and even a little pond. A small pebbled path led towards the house from the road but it had a small white picked fence separating it from it completely. Honestly it looked like something from a fairy tale,it was that breath taking! It looked quite out of place next to the modern,oversized condos surrounding it but who cares! It was adorable!

Trust my mom to pick this place,she loved houses like this and was bouncing up and down excitedly in her chair when she turned to look at it. Her blonde hair bounced as well,and her blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. My mom was truly beautiful,she only looked about 25 and to be fair that's how old she actually was...well that's how old she technically was.

I think I should explain. When a werewolf finds their true mate,their ageing stops and they are frozen in the body they have when they find their mate. Once you are united with your mate you live forever,age cannot hurt you and unless you are beheaded,poisoned with wolfsbane or destroyed by fire,you will never die.

My mom found my dad when she was 25 so that's how old she looks,in reality through she was 47. My dad and my mom are still together but he's never around,his job keeps him constantly busy. He's a rouge catcher so is never at home.

"Hazel,isn't it beautiful?" My mom shrieked turning to me with an overly enthusiastic smile and continuing to bounce. I snickered at her and nodded in agreement.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ