Star's Death

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Hello, fair internet traveler! This poem was written months before the story and may end up having nothing to do with it! Forge ahead if you like, or read it if you wish. Have a wonderful day! <3

I just saw a star die.

Reached out my hand

To catch it but

It fell through

The cracks 'tween my fingers

Like everything else.

I heard a star die

Heard her voice fade to

Gray as she sighed

Her last breath

Against my chest.

I smelled a star die

The bright flame extinguished

As her light faded away

Only smoke left behind as

Sparkles turned to dust.

I felt a star die

Felt her hands lose their

Grip in my

Hair as she left me

Alone in a room that

Had just held us both.

I tasted her death

Acrid bloods on our lips

As she kissed me,

Tried to unhurt me,

Tried to give as she died--

Instead of take.

Goodnight, my Star.

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