Chapter 1

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Hi guys! This is technically my second story... but I'm putting more effort into this one because my first story was stupid.

Follow me on instagram! @its.tahz

Kik me! @brintu8

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Dedicated to @EVILsista_09 because she is a great friend, follow her!!


Tahzin's Pov (pic on side)

I woke up to the sound of my little sister screaming to wake me up!

"Tahzin will you just wake up, its already 11am! Gosh you sleep so much" she yelled.

"Okay okay I'm up , see" I said sitting sitting up.

Oh I haven't introduced myself, gosh I'm stupid.

Well I am Tahzin Khan, I'm 19 years old and I live with my mom, dad, and my little sister, in California. I have 2 siblings a little and one older. My little sister is Sazin Khan and my older sister is Tamkin Amin. My older sis has a different dad but he died when she was very young so now she's normal with us. She has a job a bit far so she doesn't live with us. Well my little sister is 15. My older sis is 25. My dad is barely home since he's always out for business trips and other work related stuff. II recently graduated high school so i have no school..unless i go to collage which i am planning to go to. I have a bunch of friends and well you will meet them soon.

"Tahzin! Breakfast is ready!" My mom yelled.

"I'll be there in a few" i yelled.

I went and did my buisness and ran downstairs.

"What's for breakfast?" i asked.

"Well today we have waffles with a side of eggs. And water haha" my mom said.

"Yum" I said digging in.

"Hey Tahz, your aunts and I have decieded that since you have been so good and you graduated, you and your cousins can go on a trip by a bus we rented." my mom smiled.

"Awesome, who's going" I asked.

"We invited Sammy (18 years old), Mahir (20), Maisha (19), and you. Just to keep it simple. Samiur (Sammy) said he might bring a friend or 2" my mom said.

"I wanna go!" My little sister inturupted.

"No Saz, you will have days where you hang out with the younger cousins." my mom said.

"When's the trip?" I asked.

"Tomorrow" my mom said.

"SHIT I NEED TO PACK" i yelled.

"Language" my mom warned.

"Sorry" I mumbled finishing my breakfast and running to my room to pack.

~2 hours later~

"Finally!!" I yelled in victory since i finished packing.

I called Sammy.

*phone conversation*

"Hey Tahz!" Sammy exclaimed.

"was up bro!?" I answered.

"Hahah I'm great! Have you heard about the trip?" he asked.

"Yes I did! I'm so excited! Infact I just finished packing." I said.

"Oh man! I am only half way done haha" he laughed.

"so i heard you were bringing friends. Are you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm bringing my friends Harry & Zayn. You don't know them." he said casually.

"Dang, i'll meet them tomorrow then. You finish packing, I'll get going. Byeee" I giggled.

"hahahah Ok bye" He answered.

*end of call*

I ran downstairs.

"Hey mom where are we going?" I said.

" Oh you are going to Miami, Florida." She answered


"I know. Now you watch your language otherwise this trip is canceled" my mom said.

"Fine" i mumbled.

*at night*

~call with Maisha~

"hey maisha, can't wait to see you tomorrow for the trip!" I exclaimed.

"yeah same here, dude can you believe we are driving all the way to the other side of the damn country!" She exclaimed.

"Oh my god! I Know, I like totally freaked. So do you know who's driving?" I asked.

"yeah, there'ss gonna be a driver, no worries." She responded.

"oh cool, did you hear 2 of Sammy's friends are comming?" I stated.

"oh yeah, I hope they are hot!" Maisha giggled.

" yeah you stick to that, Ii'll just enjoy my trip in peace hahaha" I laughed.

" well we better get some sleep, goodnight.!" she exclaimed.

"goodnight!" I said.

~end of call~

Tomorrow is a trip that's gonna be for 3 long awesome weeks.


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Tahz. xxx

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