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Kitana had walked to school when she was getting more and more irritated with Ethan in the span of a half-hour. That morning before they walked out of the house, Ethan had ended up breaking a plate as he let it fall our his hands and it barely missed Kitana's head and shattered as it hit the wall. Not only that but her shoelaces ended up tied together, resulting to her falling face first when she got up from her seat.

Ethan tried explaining that it wasn't his fault, but the only response he got was a glare and the silent treatment. So he thought it'd be best to not say anything for a while as she's still ticked off.

It really wasn't his fault, Kitana just didn't know that because Ethan hasn't had the open chance to explain to her that a ghost was following him around. It'd been the ghost coach that made him toss the plate and barely miss Kitana's head, and it'd also been the ghost that tied her shoelaces together as Ethan was cleaning the floor and Kitana was eating breakfast.

Now he was just walking with a distance behind Kitana as she was walking. He wanted to explain and tell her about the ghost, he really did. He just had to find the right time when the ghost wasn't near him so that he doesn't try anything else.

During the school day, Ethan had somehow managed to get away from the ghost, but he knew that he only had so much time. If he was going to let Kitana know about it, then he had to take the chance and do it now before the ghost keeps messing with her while making it look like Ethan's fault and she ends up snapping at him.

He was walking down the hallway, looking around him in search of the warrior princess that he was out on the lookout for. He was glad that she was walking down the same hall and sped-walked over to her as she was about to pass a janitor's supply closet. Taking his chance that he may only have for the day, he grabbed her hand and quickly made her get into the closet and shut the door behind him.

"Ethan, what the--" Kitana started her question abruptly when he shoved her into the closet, confused as to what the heck he was doing. Getting pulled into a supply closet was definitely not on her list of what she planned on happening today.

"Look, Kitana I know you may just be really annoyed with how I've been lately," Ethan rushed so quickly that Kitana was surprised he was even taking in breaths.

"Extremely," she said with a nod and a sarcastic smile. How could she forget? She had a small mark on her forehead from what happened earlier at the house, and she was not in the slightest happy about that.

"Okay, this is going to sound a little weird," he told her, but thought more of it and came to the conlusion that that was an understatement. "Actually, more like it's gonna sound crazy." He rubbed the back of his neck, and tried to think of a way to reiterate what he already had explained the Benny before.

"Ethan," Kitana deadpanned, grabbing his shoulders and looked at him in the eye as she was growing impatient with the boy. "Spit it out."

"I'm being haunted by a ghost," he finally said, and he didn't let the confusion in Kitana's face go unnoticed. "He was a coach here at the school, and well since he's dead and decided to be in a trophy which I held, he got out and needs me to win a sports trophy for him."

The girl that stood before him dropped her hands to her sides and tried to wrap her mind around the information he just gave her with her eyes drifted to the floor. "So it's this coach ghost that has been messing with me, and it's not you being a total douche?" she asked him when she pieced all that had been happening together.

Kitana ♛ Ethan MorganWhere stories live. Discover now