Chapter 1: Rain, Tea, and Hospitals.

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Chapter 1: Rain, Tea, and Hospitals.


The rain poured from the dark, night sky pattering on the window seal, blurring the street lights behind it. I smiled snuggling deeper into my fuzzy blanket hugging the scolding cup of tea closer to my body craving the warmth that radiated off of it.

I loved the rain. It meant I could lay in bed all day without having the evil sun blinding my sight, and making my apartment hot. I liked cold, and dark.

I sighed happily, nothing could ruin this moment.


I thought to soon.


Unwillingly, I rolled off the couch, and being the lazy bum I am, I crawled to the phone.

"Hello?" I answered as I slumped down on the floor against the fridge.

"Yes, hello is this Chloe?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the mans deep throaty British voice. He didn't sound familiar, but having only been living in the UK for a month now, no one did.

"Erm...Yes, this is she," I was almost sure this was one of those annoying people selling a 'life changing' new product that would turn out to be something like an electronic cheese grater. Obviously we all need to grate cheese electronically, because it's so hard to grate it normally. The laziness of some people, yeesh. "Look, I'm not interested in buying anything you're selling so-"

"No mam, this is Chief Detective, Ross, of the Wolverhampton Police Department. I deeply apologize for interrupting your evening but there has been an accident," the officer cut me off.

"An accident? Are you sure this is the right Chloe?" I asked bringing my legs to my chest as I felt the worry set in.

"Just about positive, m'am. I am not certain of your relation to Mr. Payne," I froze as I processed the last name I used to know so well. "But we seem to have found he and his sister unfortunately have no other relatives to contact to notify of their accident."

"Wait..wait wait wait." I took a shaky breath. "Payne. Liam Payne?"

The officer sighed, "Yes. I'm so terribly sorry to say that he and his sister have been, in an accident that cost the lives of their family. We hope you could make it to the hospital, as when both are released, Mr. Payne won't be in condition to take care of Miss Payne on his own. The hospital is on, 4627 Burberry Road."

The line went dead and the phone immediately slipped from my hand, tumbling onto the wood flooring.

It was three summers ago when I had met that sweet British boy, who had moved for the summer with his family to be an intern at my dad's radio station. My dad dragged me to work every single morning, but I stopped complaining after two weeks when Liam had been hired. He was the flirt that brought me coffee every morning wether I wanted it or not. He was the boy that asked for so many bathroom breaks just as an excuse to see me on his walk to the bathroom. He was the one that ended up stealing my heart.

I struggled to catch my breath as I hyperventilated. I knew his family. They were like the family I had always wanted. They can't be gone. Tears streaked my cheeks, but my face was frozen in shock. I felt I was paralyzed, but I forced my stiff body to stand up.

Wiping my tears, I practically ran to the front door grabbing my keys. I flung open the door to my apartment hastily walking out as I closed it behind me. I had many moments where I almost tripped down the stairs, thinking the elevator was too slow. I hadn't even bothered to put shoes on, let alone a coat. I slightly shivered at the cool autumn air and the pelting rain as I pushed open the front doors to the building, but my adrenaline was pumping, keeping me from caring.

I fumbled with putting the keys in the ignition, as my hand shook violently. The engine growled as I got the key in and turned it. I slammed my door and raced out of the parking lot, one thing on my clouded mind.

The second I turned off my car I was sprinting through the automatic doors of the hospital.

I was immediately greeted by the sterile smell and earned many strange looks from people as I maneuvered my way through people crowding the lobby. I was panting as I got to the front desk.

As I tried to catch my breath for the second time that night, I managed to breath out, "I' to see....Liam Payne." I took deep breaths, as I shivered standing there soaking from the rain.

The receptionist knitted her eyebrows together in worry. "Honey, you look like your going to pass out."

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I did.

The lady signaled a nurse to come and check me. She wrapped me in a blanket and lead me to the side so the people behind me could check in.

"I'm going to sit you down for a minute so you can calm down," her soft voice soothed me. "Everything is alright."

My eyes immediately widened and I started to breath heavily again, "No! Nothing is alright, I need to see him. Where is he? Is he ok? What about her?! Is she ok-" at this point I was sobbing. My body was stiff as I came to realization of what was happening.

And officer suddenly walks over to me, led by the receptionist. I forcefully wipe my face free of tears as I hold back new ones from spilling out.

"You must be Chloe." the officer addresses me and I recognize him as Officer Ross, the one I had spoken to on the phone.

I bob my head up in down, "Where is he?" Is all I ask before I'm following Officer Ross into an elevator.

We get off on the 4th floor and upon the doors opening I see a sign on the wall opposite of the elevator that has the letters "ICU" printed on in bold white letters.

I chewed on my lip and pulled the hospital blanket around me tighter, as I realize how bad the accident must have been.

I'm lead down a seemingly endless amount of hallways, surprised on how Officer Ross remembers each turn and hallways you have to go down to get there.

He tells me I can go in as we stop in front of the door "403".

I stare at the door for a moment as Officer Ross pats me on the back in what seems like a comforting gesture but only scares me more. He walks away and minutes pass without me moving a muscle.

The boy I loved, the boy I promised I'd never forget was behind this door, holding onto whatever thread of life they were able to save.

My hand hesitantly reached for the nob and a soft creak sounded as I pushed the door open slowly.

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