Chapter 1 : Where it all begins

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My life is hard, it's not easy. I love to sing but I'm afraid of what people will think of me. I'm a very shy, nervous, person. I can't even sing in front of my parents. I feel like I wouldn't be able to succeed in the music industry. My mom always tells me to keep my head high and to always follow my dreams. I always listened to her, but my shyness takes over me. Will I ever come out of my shell? NEVER. I need like... Like... Someone to help me out with that. I don't think that I would be able to except for I am on my own. The first day of school is coming up, and I am so nervous! What if I end up having no friends? What if I'm in a class with ALL bullies? There are so many questions to ask, but for now, I'll  just keep them all to myself. My name is Lily and I know that I can do it, it's just that I have low confidence in myself. I look different from other people. I have pale skin, light colored eyebrows, really light blue eyes, and medium length hair that is blonde. I have albinism, and so I feel like I'm not as beautiful as everyone else. To keep it "a hunnit" or however you say it.. I think I'm ugly, and I feel like God made a mistake putting me on this earth. I bet if I look in my bathroom mirror, it'll crack. That's how ugly I am. I bet you have to be pretty ugly to break a mirror, but everyone knows I'm capable of that. I live in a big household with 3 significant others. My mom Jenn, and my 2 brothers Jaylen and Mikel. They all get on my nerves, but I still have to deal with them. Number one, my brothers always come in my room bothering me. They don't even knock! They just bust in the door like a monster is following after them. Sometimes, they get on my nerves so bad to point where bad words slip out my mouth.. If you know what I mean. Oh yeah! And I hate when they change the channel on tv like there's absolutely no one watching it. Oh oooh I'll just change the channel because there is no one watching it. Um, excuse me! I'm watching so you need to go on with your life. Back to my point, I have one older sister but she went on to college. I'm the only girl in the house.. Except for my mom. I don't have anyone that I can talk to, or play around with. It would be weird if I played a board game with my own mom, I prefer my sister or a friend. I definitely don't want to play with my 2 brothers because all they'll do is rip the Monopoly money and lose the game pieces. You know those little charms that come with the game? It's like a horse shoe, a hat, and a unicorn. Something like that. But they'll just end up losing it! So the next time a friend comes over, and we have absolutely nothing to do and we want to play a board game, we won't be able to because of my cruel two brothers! UGHHH! If only they could just die! See that? I didn't really mean to say that, but it just slipped out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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