Letters to Santa

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Reposting this from my Tumblr. 

Note: Neil is Ant's son, Haydn is Dec's.


Christmas 2015

"Hey, boys!" Dec greeted his sons cheerfully as he walked into the living room.

Neil and Haydn were sitting on their tiny chairs by the coffee table, busily finishing up their letters to Santa.

"You lads almost done with your letters?" Dec asked as he sat on the sofa.

Seven year old Neil folded up his letter and beamed at his Dad. "Finished!" Neil exclaims as he jumped onto the sofa and sat next to his dad, letter in hand.

Dec laughed at his son's cheeky grin, one much similar to Ant's. He then turned to his six year old son, who was still focused on the paper in front of him. Dec smiles as he noticed that Haydn had his tongue sticking out as he concentrated on his letter.

"Haydn, mate, almost done? You don't want Santa not to know what you want for Christmas."

"Almost...done!" Haydn slammed his pencil down onto the coffee table. He took his letter into both hands and looked at it proudly.

"Well, hand it over then, Hayd!"

Haydn rushed over to his dad and held out the folded letter. "Dad, make sure you get it in the mail soon. I want to make sure Santa has enough time to get my gift." Dec reached for the letter, only to have it pulled away by Haydn. "And don't read it, or else Santa won't get me my presents."

"Mate, I think you're thinking of something else. It's when you blow out your candles on your birthday that your wish won't come true if other people know what it is." Dec explained.

"Doesn't matter. You still can't know what I asked for. It's a secret between me and Santa...and Neil!" Haydn finally gives his letter to Dec and sits on his other side.

"Okay-sy, okay-sy, okay-sy!" Dec says in his Decky the Garden Goblin voice, which elicits a laugh from his two sons. "Alright. I'm gonna be in the kitchen with Daddy, putting this letters in envelopes, so that Daddy can mail them off to Santa later. You two can sit here and watch the telly. Behave yourselves."

"Aye, Dad," the two lads said in unison.

Dec walked into the kitchen and found his husband sitting at the dining table, checking emails on his laptop. "I've got the kids' letters. You sure you're okay getting their presents alone?"

"Aye, Decs. I can handle it." Ant pulls Dec onto his lap and captures his mouth with his own. He then takes the letters from his husband. "Now, let's see what the boys want."

Ant opens up Neil's letter and skims it quickly. "Okay, simple enough. Neil wants a skateboard."

"Ooh, Ant. Won't he get hurt with that?" Dec asked worriedly.

"Dec, he's older now. He can handle it." Ant rubbed Dec's back in an attempt to comfort him. "If it really worries you, I'll get helmet and pads with it."


"Okay, let's see what Haydn wants."

"deer santa,

i promis i have been good this year and for cristmas. i would like a love poshun so i can use it on ash lee roberts. i want to make her my girlfrend. okay?


haydn mcpartlin-donnelly"

"A love potion?! He wants a love potion," Ant whispers in a surprised tone. He looks incredulously at his husband. "How are we gonna go about this?"

Dec shrugs his shoulders and mirrors the look on his face. "Dunno, Ant."

Ant bit his lip as he thought. Comically, his face brightened when he had an idea. "I know! I'll get a glass vial and we can just fill it with some kind of drink. And if Haydn does try to use it on Ashley, we're just gonna have to ask her to go along with it for a bit."

"Aye, that might work, man! You're a genius!" Dec pulls Ant into a hug and then presses a kiss on his forehead.

"I know that!" Ant says a matter-of-factly, which rewarded him a playful push from Dec.

"Well, get going. The sooner you leave, the sooner you'll be done."

"Get off us then," Ant laughed. He gave his husband a quick peck on the lips before putting on his coat.

At the back door, Ant stopped and turned to Dec. "Haydn really is your son."

"Why d'ya say that?"

"His taste in women is the same as yours, Decs."

Amused, Dec raises an eyebrow in reply, asking Ant to elaborate.

Ant smiled. "Blonde," he simply replied before leaving.

Letters to SantaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora