Chapter 1

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Hey! So this is one of my first stories so...yeah. I hope you like it! Please let me know what you think of it in the comments! I tried to find as many typos as I could, but I'm sure there's still tons. Oh, and rights to Rick Riordan for the original idea, and his original characters. But Claire, Ms. Austin, Hunter, Haili, etc. belong to me :) Enjoy!

My day started out great. However, my expectations of my wonderful day lasting, were very low. You see, I have terrible luck. It was the third to last day of eighth grade and I was supposed to see my favorite band, Storm Warning, in concert after school with my best friends, Sandy and Paisley. Since it was one of the last days of school, we had no work except in Ms. Austin's class. Of course, we had a huge final exam reviewing everything we learned in her History class that year. She claimed it wouldn't affect our final grade too much, but I knew better. She had always seemed unnatural to me. She always seemed to stare at me in that creepy, ready-to-kill way. Even Sandy and Paisley agreed it was weird. Ms. Austin never looked at them like that.

She started the class with the usual lecture as she passed out the tests face down on our desks. I absentmindedly fumbled with my charm bracelet as I watched her walk around the classroom. "You have the whole period to complete this test. There are fifty questions, two points each. It will be silent in this classroom. If you talk, you automatically receive a zero and fail the test." She finished passing out the tests and stood at the front, surveying the room. "Begin."

I flipped my exam over and wrote my name at the top. Claire Breeze. I looked over the first question and already felt dizzy. Having dyslexia put me at a serious disadvantage. It took me twice as long to read one question as is did for any other kid to read three. I tried to focus my eyes. What role did Andrew Jackson play in the Battle of 1812? I racked at my brain, trying to remember. I nervously looked around the classroom for any hint. Nothing. The only thing I found was Ms. Austin scanning the classroom with her awful eyes. A chill went down my spine. Why did she always do that? I decided to take a crazy risk and glared at her. Of course, right then, her eyes met mine. Feeling extremely frustrated toward that stupid lady, I glared deeper.

I quickly looked back down at my test and scribbled in a few random answers. Then, chewing on my bottom lip, I glanced up again to check if the ancient hag was still looking at me, but she was gone. I straightened up and checked if the students around me had noticed. It didn't seem like anyone had. I did one last scan across the classroom, but Ms. Austin was nowhere to be seen. Seeing a window of opportunity, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. I slid it open and started texting Paisley.

My mistake.

A cold hand clamped on my shoulder, making me gasp. I spun around and Ms. Austin's beastly eyes stared into mine. "Miss Breeze," She growled, holding her hand out. "Give it to me." I glanced down at her hand and back up to her face.

"I- I'm sorry Ms. Austin, I'll put it away." I said, stuffing my phone back into my pocket.

"Hand it over." She said in a strict grandma-like voice.

"No." I said.

She raised her eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

I swallowed. "No."

Then the strangest thing happened, and I wished I had just given her my phone. Her eyes started to glow and hair - no - fur began to spread and cover her skin. Her thick hands morphed into huge paws and five-inch long claws sprouted out the end of her fingertips. Her ugly face was the same as every other day but she had grown sharp fangs that hung out of her mouth. Another chill came over my body. Her eyes - those horrible, threatening eyes - were glowing. In the center of the haunting yellow glow were slit pupils. Exactly like cat eyes.

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