In the middle of the Pacific

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The last thing I remember seeing from the outside world is my family, sprawled out on the floor of my house. There are holes in their heads and bloody walls surrounding them. It has now been about 3 years since I've seen the sun or had any contact with anyone other than my captors. My name is Sophia and, suffice to say, my life sucks. I've been stuck in a cell or strapped to a chair in the science lab, being used as their little lab rat. Sadly, I'm not the only one here. If the experiments they do work, you can hear the cries of tortured souls with your advanced hearing as you change and adapt to what they put into your body. Sometimes they don't use human genes; animal, alien and beast genes are all quite common. They keep you guessing; you never know what's coming next. You also don't know when they're going to kick your bucket, or when you'll get a new neighbour. Speaking of which...

Just down the hall, a girl is being pulled along. She looks to be about 14, possibly 15, and has long, blonde hair and small, elvish features. Her bright green eyes are wide in terror, and her small frame makes her look like a doll as one of the overly buff bodyguards drags her along. She also looks quite weak, which really isn't a good thing in this hell hole. Especially when Mason, one of the leaders, has just taken something that made him 10 times stronger than a normal human being.

I'm jolted from my thoughts when the girl was hurled into the cell across from me, the one that already had most of the other girls in it. She stares around at them all, probably looking for a familiar face. Unfortunately, the leaders were too smart for their own goods. They never kidnapped girls from the same place, and they struck a different town every time. So far, the authorities hadn't been able to pinpoint a pattern and their illegal experiments remained a secret.

"Who are you all?" Asks the strange girl. When no one answers, she continues to speak. "My name is Maddison. Can one of you tell me your name?" I stifle the laugh bubbling up in my throat, but she hears it all the same.

"We can't tell you our names because, when you die, it will hurt. If we stay separated and nameless to one another, then whoever dies can just be counted as another body bag." I say with a smirk on my face. Maddison looks at me inquisitively, before moving on to another topic.

"Why are you in a cell by yourself?" She asks innocently. This time, I can't mask the rumble of laughter that erupts from my throat. Man, oh man she has a lot to learn. First she asks for names, and then asks why I'm isolated?

"You wouldn't understand, so don't worry your pretty little head about it. You might find out one day, but I doubt you'll live that long." I murmur, before walking over to my bed. Well, if you can call a narrow concrete slab poking out of the wall a bed. I lie down, listening to all the other girls exchanging names.

Idiots, I think, won't they ever learn? Attachments in this place are just setting you up for a hell of a lot of pain.

I manage to doze off pretty easily; having the same routine for 3 years kind of gets boring after a while. After what feels like a few seconds, I hear a key turning in the lock. I sit up and see the devil himself, and his little minion, stepping into my room. The lead scientist, Cole, and his wicked son Mason. Cole is a cold-hearted monster that kind of looks like the Penguin from Batman and believes that everything done here is for the greater good of humanity, and Mason, well, Mason is a raging sadistic beast whose greatest pleasure in life is inflicting pain on others. Luckily for me, I seem to be his favourite victim. I get to spend hours with him, and his baseball bat, every single week. Woohoo!

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