Balance is Needed

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Earth and many other worlds were now involved in this galactic torment. Balance needs to be drawn out. Yet the ones who once kept it going are now dead.

After a hundred years of nonstop war...Earth was about to lose everything. Every race living on Earth will soon be slaves. No one is safe. Not even the immortals.

Immortals believed they would win the battle and take over the world for their own doings. Now...Now is another story. Now Immortals and mortals alike are battling side by side against evil and aliens. Who will win? What happened to those who kept the balance?

One Hundred and One Years Ago

My name is Harold....atleast that is the name I use when talking to my human friends. Funny thing is...i am also human. The only difference is...i was born to be an Immortal Hunter. We were originally known as Hunters of Harmony...yeah...i switched it up a little bit. Why Immortal Hunters? Well most of the evil we deal with are immortals.

Why are humans hunting evil immortals? Another good question. We hunt evil beings that are to powerful and who are trying to rule their world or others. We keep the balance between good and bad. Immortal Hunters do not destroy all evil beings for that would cause unbalance for that world. It would also take to long to kill that many people.

Immortal Hunters are born every ten years. So I guess you believe theres a lot of us. Wrong! One is born every ten years and not all hunters make it to the Hunter's Tower. The Hunter's Tower is also known as the Tower of Immortality. Once a hunter or huntress is born they are brought to the tower by our collectors. Collectors are people we give the of sight for a short time. Once they have the gift of sight they have ten days to find an unknown Hunter or Huntress and bring the child to were they received the gift. Then a ray of light will come down and carry the child to the tower.

Once the child is in the tower their life will forever be changed. They will be trained for everything. By the age of sixteen they will be able to go on their first assignment.

For three thousand years I have lead the Hunters. I have lived among humans twenty times and had to fake my death each time. The hardest part is to watch all of those who you have come to love die. For me this last life has taken my will to live away. My wife and I had able baby boy and he perished shortly after his birth. The tears and pain of his lost life still grips my heart.

One thing you don't know-Hunters have never been able to have children. So when my wife told me she was pregnant...I wanted to scold her it wasn't mine. Yet I held off and allowed my heart and soul to accept it was mine. When he was born l-I knew without a doubt he was mine. Joy over-whelmed me that day. Three days later we woke up and found him dead in his crib. The loss of my only child tore me apart.

I couldn't breath, I felt my wife' sorrow as well as my own. We held his lifeless body for a few minutes before retreating into the living room. After a few minutes of tears, we heard a noise emit from his room. Racing back into the room we found a Shaman holding our son's lifeless body. Before I could even speak the Shaman said, "His life was meant for more then just your happiness."

Rage clouded my mind as he went on, "Death took him because you were selfish."

My wife screamed in terror as the Shaman's body disappeared in a wave of green fire. I knew deep down the Shaman was right. My son was born an Immortal Hunter, yet I defied our laws and kept him here instead of taking him straight to the tower.

The next morning I awoke to find my wife's lifeless body in the bathroom. She slit her wrist to end the pain of losing our son. If only it was that easy, I too would join her.

~Five Years Later~

My son's lifeless body haunts my every waken hour. Every battle I fight I see him. I can't take it anymore. The pain has clouded my judgment and now my hunters are suffering because of it. Hunters can not commit suicide, but we can place ourselves in a deep dark sleep for centuries.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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