CHAPTER TWELVE - The Green Mount of Wisdom

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A sort of lynch mob rallying cry went up and feathered spears were raised. Venus’s blood ran cold. The Kumarians started closing in on her, ready to seize her at their leader’s command. Venus screamed and clung to Pluto in terror. ‘Now look what a mess you’ve got me into!’ she squealed.

Pluto put a protective paw around her and drew her close. He drew himself up to his full height and his brow studs pulsated like fairy lights on high voltage. ‘I will have you know that I am Plutonius, High Priest of the Holy Order of Sunev, and Guardian of the Flame,’ he roared. ‘I and I alone have been her Serenity’s custodian during her earthly incarnation and I am responsible for bringing her back here in her new form. We are on a sacred mission for Queen Andromeda herself. So if you continue with this stubborn scepticism, you will regret it. You will regret doubting her Serenity! Let us hope that she will forgive you!’

‘I won’t if they burn me at the stake!’ wailed Venus. ‘I won’t be here to forgive them!’

Loud bellicose mutterings followed this and her head began to swirling matter filled her vision and a roaring filled her ears .......she was going to faint. Then suddenly Venus remembered her Staff. She took it out of her belt and held it up. The crowd fell silent and stared at it. It looked rather dingy in the glow of the candlelight.

‘Behold!’ cried Pluto. ‘The Staff of Sunev!’

‘Yeah – that’s ....right. It’s er –um the sacred Staff! Very magic it is! And I’m looking for these stones that are supposed to go in it. I need your help!’

‘She is speaking the truth!’ declared Skye. ‘I myself rescued her from planet earth! Look at this mark on her cheek – the mark of Sunev!’

He pointed at the so called birthmark on her cheek and Venus fought the urge to put her hand up to cover it. The Aiglon stared at her cheek.

 ‘That mark could have been made. And the Staff could be counterfeit!’ he said dismissively. ‘Or she could have stolen it!’

‘Right! I’ll prove it then!’ shouted Venus, thoroughly riled now. And she held the Staff aloft, and waited for it to do something spectacular. But of course it didn’t. It began to dawn on her that, despite the fact that she was supposed to be a divine being here, she wasn’t all powerful or invincible and this rod wasn’t a magic wand that was automatically going to get her out of trouble. She might have to work at it. She let the Staff fall at her side.

‘Okay. Forget the Staff. But I’m not an impostor. Just give me a chance to explain things.’

The Aiglon went into a huddle with his advisors, watched sternly by Pluto, who stood with his arms folded across his massive chest. Skye put his arm around her and whispered in her ear.

‘Just hold your nerve Venoos. This is all puffery and show. These people hate to lose face.’

Eventually the Aiglon came out of his huddle and faced Venus. ‘Come!’ he said, holding out a long clawed hand. ‘You have managed to find your way into the kingdom by the Path of Righteousness, so we will give you a chance. You must prove who you are by preaching your gospel of peace, just like your alleged predecessor did. If you can convince us we will help you. We will take you to where everyone can hear you. ’

He beckoned her into the chariot. Gingerly she stepped in and sat next to him. His feathers tickled her cheek. It felt very strange to be sitting next to a winged man in a flying chariot, but hey, this was life on Ventura. Pluto and Skye followed her in and sat opposite her. They exchanged anxious glances.

Goddess in Pyjamas by Lucy Daniel RabyWhere stories live. Discover now