Mystic: Sometimes normal just isn't enough...

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Sometimes normal just isn’t enough...


“Sometimes I really don’t know what is up with my parents, I mean sure... they grew up in the 60’s

and went through the whole hippy phase like most people their age.  But why on earth did I get

stuck with a pair of parents who never let go of the past and grew up?

Most my life I have felt like the adult in the house, like when I was twelve, I took better care of the

finances than my parents did. I was the one to convince the bank to not foreclose on the house, and

kept the bill collectors at bay when my parents didn’t remember to pay.

Most times my parents were ‘living it up’ in the basement and were too stoned to know what day it

was, so I took it upon myself at an early age to take care of things myself. Don't get me wrong, I

loved my parents but there were times I wondered if being a foster child would have been all that


I mean yes, I guess you can say my parents pretty much stole my childhood and took it for

themselves while I took care of things and kept our family going. My parents still worked and they

always did love me, and somehow that was always enough.

My name is Mystic St. John... Yes I know, very weird name, but having Weird 'creative' Hippy Parents

should give me a little slack in the understanding department. I’m 24 years old and currently

residing in a run down apartment building filled with people that tend to be more weird than my

parents strangely enough, like Mike down the hall who is getting ready for a invasion of a superior

race... Not Aliens, but 'something far worse' as he puts it. Or Miss Harrison on the second floor who

puts out her husband, I mean her husband's ghost, when he's getting on her nerves. Some people

say I wound up surrounded by crazy people because I am used to growing up around them,  I could

take offence to that, if it wasn't true, but sometimes I think they are right. Perhaps somehow either

subconsciously or some unknown force tend to draw me towards people who are like my parents,

which I would have to say, now that I think of it, is a little bit creepy. I mean why would I want to be

surrounded by weird irresponsible people? Maybe I'm just crazy myself... it’s possible.

Well, other than my family and the people at my building, my life is as close to normal as I try to

make it. I look and dress pretty normally, dull brown eyes, not so fair skin, and a mess of long dark

hair, I’ve never been extraordinary or different than your typical girl... with crazy parents who at like

my kids rather than the other way around. But to look at me, I’m rather plain. I’m a manager of a

plain little video shop called Darcy's on the corner of Dune and Regaled Street. I don’t get paid a

bunch, but it’s enough to pay my bills and the difference on my parents bills and still have enough

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2011 ⏰

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