One shot

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Megan's pov

It was cold day, the snow be falling from the clouds like some blizzard type shit. Leaves were distant memories to he now brittle unmitigated trees.

I look out below through the tiny window in the transport vehicle, the surroundings morphing into a somewhat ominous white. The color white so boring, yet so uplifting.

I slumped into the soft cushion flooring of the van, with a slight huff. I was perplexed, my mind wasn't conjuring up pretend voic-

"Escape" wisped an imaginary voice "they think you're crazy, we don't. Kill them. Kill them all. Everyone." This was followed by a shit ton of almost ritual-esque chanting of ' kill them'

I stifled a sob and got up.

Not even bothering to resist because, it never works I always somehow end up doing what they want.

Scary things.

Stab stab things. 

I am a sick girl.

A sick sick girl who occasionally drops a sick sick beat.  I swear come cheak me out on Fridays at Ryan's Den on Rodeo. When I'm not being cray cray in the cerebell bell or asylum hoppin I freestyle and do stand up as well. I'm pretty good.

Anyways that's enough wall breaking so yea where was I oh yea I'm mad cause I hear these dumb ass voices in my mind and I can't resist them cause they strong as fuck yadda yadda yadda back to the story.

So with fanfiction like strength I tear the bullet proof doors with my week skinny arms. And leap out to the crisp snow staining crimson cause we all can't just rip through steel doors without tearing a few layers of skin.

The van continues driving to the asylum even though I undoubtably caused insane amounts of noise but this is a fanfiction one shot type thing so ignore all of that okay.

My body feel like it did that time I did acid in Hawaii ,right before I went loco, like on of those bendy rulers that only the rude ass bitches  had in elementary school, yes Almandador I'm talking bout you.

I was so free so light I glanced around me.

Careless bodies walking around just begging me to run a blade across there neck as they beg for mercy or perhaps for me the gorge there eyeballs out with a rusty nail and leave them there to bleed to death in the cold.

How darling.

I smirked, I loved this. The voices made me love this. I loved this right? " of course you do" the wispy voice added somewhat panicked as I questioned my self.

Love, yes you do Megan stop being a stupid ass bitch. Come on.

I grabbed a cane from an old ladies hand causing her to fall, swinging it like a boss doing karate type movies as I let out a battle cry.

This is gonna be fun.

I ran down the street flogging little children, horsewhipping old men and forcefully jabbing almost everyone.

I look back at a street. A street littered with almost triple digits of human bodies that lay lifeless on the street oozing red like a freshly baked cherry tart. Yum.

I grinned muttering " goodness you're still breathing aren't you."

The old mans face remained still.

I bashed his face in just to be sure . Witnesses suck ass. I mean, I get it, I just killed your family of eight ,but, like don't be snitching unless you ready to get some bitching.

It sounds stupid but it rhymes so stfu.

A deep voice suddenly muttered loudly "Fuck me up you got me so har-"

With a echoing clack I hit the person's leg with the cane in a swinging motion. Immediately flooring them.

I broke femur and probably dislocated his patella. Good.

The little bitch had the audacity to smirk up at me with an admittedly hot face"I donno if I want to kill you or fuck y-"

I strike the handsome man or fugly lady's jaw as I gasped at what he/she was  about to say.

I couldn't really gender identify the person because of the slightly androgynous style choice

" didn't your mother teach you manners, missy" I grinned at the person.

I pushed slightly on his broken leg my eyes widening at the huge lump in his pants. Male. Definitely a man.

I without hesitation begin caning him.

Between hits he began spluttering out words wholeheartedly.

Smack on his lower abdomen.

"I am" he said wincing but yet holding eye contact with me with such emotion. 

Swoop I swung at his arm only for it to be swiftly held by his shaking left hand.

As I struggled to get my caned from the undoubtedly strong man as he now looked unfazed by my constant hits that ounces graced his face.

" as I was saying" he said clearing his throat"I am going to marry you" a lopsided grin graced the mans face.

I laughed at his promise dropping the cane all together.

I serous expression suddenly graced my features as I neared his face.

His eyes held an emotion that made me uncomfortable as he smiled genuinely at our close proximity. His eyes lazily closed as his pink chapped lips puckered slightly.

I held back my cackling as I whispered " when pigs swim."

I backed up leaving a disappointed man and a bloodied cane as I ran wildly as I released the police would soon arrive.

I spared the man cause he was so crazy,crazy people are so weird no one would believe him.

My story sucks just wrote it for the contest @chingyonce please don't hate me I just rushed this cause I procrastinated so long and it resulted in me hurriedly doing this at 3:00am. Love ya tho

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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