Chapter 1

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Jessica stands with her eyes closed, breathing in deeply, taking in the sweet tinge of tree sap; the wind tickles my face as it dances through the forest trees. I tilt my head back allowing my face to absorb the golden glow of the harvest moon, enjoying the elfish way of the teasing winds.

My senses so keen, I can almost pinpoint the exact location of the freshly broken branches. The scent so familiar; reminding me of Michigan spring.

Blinded by this seductive trance, I lose sight of what drew me to this mythical location. Snapping back to reality I realize he's still there, lurking from the shadows, taunting me. Only his silhouette is visible but it feels as though he's staring through my soul.

I'm not sure what's going on but as I turn to run I find myself unable to move. I have no control as the gap between us comes to a close. Silence surrounds, neither a bird chirping nor a cricket creaking. Even the wind has stopped, giving the feeling that all life has ceased to exist as time stands still.

Abruptly we stop, facing each other with little more than a foot between us. Our eyes lock in a fiery gaze. He speaks not a word, extending his hand expecting me to place mine in his. When I don't, forces beyond my control do it for me.

His touch is like ice, sending shudders through me. My chest tightens in frightened anticipation of things to come. The broken record in my mind repeating, "He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me."

"I didn't come all this way to hurt you," echoed.

Tears fill my eyes as I come to realize he's here on purpose. I steal a glance at our entwined fingers as he squeezes mine guiding me further and further into the darkness.

Just then my alarm clock goes off forcing me to bolt upright far too quickly and I find myself fighting back the urge to vomit. I'm drenched in sweat, panting desperately trying to catch my breath. WTH just happened???

None of this makes any sense; I never saw his face even though I stared directly into his eyes. How can that be? He wants to show me something but what.....

Ironically, this dream started that night. The memory haunts me nightly, the images so clear, images I will never be rid of.

Kara, Anna and I went to the movies after my shift ended. They drove separately because it was after ten p.m. Just after midnight the movie ended, as usual I had to use the restroom so I told them to go on ahead; assuring them I would be ok walking out alone.

I remember thinking as I was exiting the theater that tonight it was ominously dark outside, but I assumed my Spidey senses were working overtime so I shrugged it off. That was my first mistake.

Reaching into my purse for my keys, I glanced towards my car noticing a group of guys standing beside it animatedly carrying on. I looked back towards the theater and saw the lights were off and security was nowhere in sight so going back for an escort was out of the question. Figures....

Lacking in brilliance I trudged on, peeking up every couple steps to see if they noticed me. I thought I would try to be sly avoiding eye contact but wondered if I knew any of them, but none were familiar. Maybe if I push the red panic button on my car remote they would get scared and take off. On second thought, if I scare them they might get pissed and I'd rather take a chance at being ignored. My next thought was even more resplendent - maybe if I play it cool, walk up and flirt, "Excuse me," they might let me through without any problems. Wow, I seriously excel at being a dumbass.

The next few moments came and went in a blur as it happened so fast. It was like they knew my every move before I did. The second I stepped off the sidewalk; their nasty lips curled into sadistic smirks. I tried to play it cool continuing to walk forward attempting to not let my outward appearance look as terrified as I felt on the inside. Had I been thinking straight, I would have walked up to the theater and banged on the doors, or better yet – called the cops.

As reality slapped me across the face, they started gravitating towards me, looking like they crawled out of a dumpster. Frozen mid stride, panic mode set in as I looked around frantically hoping to find someone - anyone, but the parking lot was empty. There were four of them and only one of me.

The largest one of the group, who I'm guessing was the alpha dog made first contact as he nodded towards my car, "Hey gorgeous, is this beauty yours?" All I could do was shake my head 'yes' as I was terror stricken. He appeared to be about six foot one, maybe six two and was well over two hundred pounds. Even though I stood a couple feet away, I could smell the beer and cigarettes permeating from his filthy facade.

Just then the short, fat guy grabbed my purse yanking it with such force it caused the strap to snap. He rifled through it while the leader continued, "We're gonna take ourselves on a little ride honey," eyeing me like I was a piece of meat with a sick ass grin on his scarred, unkempt face.

Cackling as they closed in, licking their lips smelling like they hadn't showered in weeks. The leader grabbed my right arm, threw me against my car and tried to grab the keys from my hand but my fingers were looped tightly through the ring.

That's when the parking lot lights began flickering, some exploding while others turned completely off. I was thankful for whatever was happening as it took their focus off of me while they scanned the parking lot to see what was up.

But that was short lived when his attention turned back to me; still firmly holding me in place. His grip was so tight it was cutting the circulation in my arm off, causing my hand to go numb. He raised his other hand running his fingers along my cheek. My stomach jumped into my throat. I swallowed hard to keep the vomit at bay.

He hooked his finger tip under my bra strap and slid it down my arm while grinding up on me. He was pushing so hard it felt like he was going to rip my jeans. The fear on my face seemed to please him, "Hmmm, I don't think we need to go anywhere. Lights are low, no one's around. Let's party right here, right now." The others whooped and hollered like a ridiculous pack of hyenas. Trembling uncontrollably, I knew they were going to rape me.

Tears rolled down my face making them laugh louder as they moved in for the action. I visualized my death me after the gang rape, abandoning my naked body in the forest for my father to find. I wish I would have waited for security, I wish I hadn't thought my shit didn't stink and I could get to my car safely.

My train of thought faltered as he threw me to the ground. My head hit the asphalt so hard the thud echoed through the empty parking lot. I was kicking and screaming, trying to break free of their hold but I was no match for them. I saw him unbuttoning his jeans. His accomplices started removing my cami top which proved no challenge as they tore it off in one fail swoop and moved on to my jeans. I could barely see through my tears but could have sworn I saw something coming towards us. I don't know what happened next as everything faded to black.

When I woke the next morning, I was in my own bed. I freaked out and started touching myself, checking to make sure all my body parts were still intact. As I looked down, I realized I was still wearing what was left of the clothes I had on last night. I darted over to my bedroom window and saw my car parked in the driveway. Somehow I drove myself home. Stepping back I wondered - was this just a bad dream?

I was rubbing my right arm when I hit a sore spot making me cringe. I knew then it wasn't a dream when I saw the hand print shaped bruise. I gazed over at my desk, spotting my purse with the strap broken. My mind swirled so fast it made me as I reached my bed my legs gave way. I laid there wondering what in the hell happened??


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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The Elders Trilogy, Book 1 - The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now