Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

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Hi, I'm Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, but you guys can call me Rudy. Many of you probably know by now that I am one of the most famous animals in the history of the universe, but do you know how I got there? Do you really know my story? Most of you probably know the happy, and cheerful version, but have you guys heard my side of this Christmas tale? Sit down and shut up because I am going to tell you what really went down that evening.

So all my life, I had this nose that really liked to shine. I am not quite sure why, but it was so bright that aliens in outer space could see it. Well, okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but I swear it was not normal. My mother told me my nose was a gift, that I would be proud of it one day. I told her that she was crazy.

The other reindeer didn't like me. They thought I was a freak because of my nose. They called me names and they wouldn't let me chill with them. I would always tell myself that they were just jealous of me because I was so awesome and because I'm way cooler than them, but to be honest I really wanted them to be my friends.

One Christmas Eve, I was gazing at the Christmas tree when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Normally people don't come by in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve. So being the brave and tough reindeer I am, I... I actually called for my mom, because I am not going to lie, I was a little spooked.

I was caught by surprise when Santa Claus came in through the door.
"Hello sir." My mother said with a warm smile.
"Hello Miss." Santa replied. He was shorter than what I had imagined.
"I was wondering if I can have Rudolph, with your permission of course, guide my sleigh tonight because it is awfully foggy outside. With his nose, he would be able to light the way through the foggy clouds."
I was in such shock that I couldn't believe Santa wanted me, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, To light the way for him.
"I think Rudy would enjoy that very much. Wouldn't you Rudy?" My mother said, turning to me. I couldn't do anything except nod in agreement.
"Well if it is alright with him, it's alright with me. You have my permission Mr. Claus." My mother said.

When I got back to my town, all the reindeer thought I was so cool because I went with Santa to help him. All of a sudden they loved me, which was awesome. I loved being popular. So maybe my story wasn't so much different than the cheerful and happy version. Every once in a while, take a second to love all of your flaws and imperfections, because just like my mother always says, you are you, and that's the most amazing thing you can ever be.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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