[07: The Banishing]

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Alby appeared at the scene quickly, having heard all the commotion. When he arrived, he checked on Thomas to ensure he was safe before noticing Elle's terrified expression. With one look, Alby knew she had realised something was wrong with Ben. Looking back at Ben, he couldn't help but grimace as he took in the Runner's appearance. Ben moaned, panting as he struggled on the grass.

Ben met Alby's eyes and panicked at the regretful look on the Glade leader's face. "No," he protested, knowing what had happened to him and what this meant for him. Ben shook his head frantically and yelled, "No, no, no!" The desperation in his tone petrified Thomas, who was still recovering from his attack and couldn't comprehend what Elle was slowly beginning to figure out.

Could it be? Elle wondered. Is this what everyone was warning them about? Is this why they weren't allowed in the Maze?

A pained expression covered Alby's features. "Alright, lift his shirt," he ordered, ignoring Ben's pleas to leave him alone and pointing at the Runner. Newt reached down to lift Ben's shirt, and Elle gaped, nausea hitting her stomach as she caught sight of the large wound on Ben's abdomen. His stomach was a pale, sickly white colour, and a blue and purple wound made the surrounding veins turn indigo. It looked irritated, uncomfortable, and deadly.

"No, no!" Ben wheezed. "Please, please."

Thomas squeezed Elle's hand to stabilise himself. He would have fainted if he didn't have her to anchor him to the ground.

"He's been stung," Gally confirmed before anybody could speak up. He glanced at Newt first, breath quickening in alarm as he turned to face Alby. "In the middle of the day?" Gally inquired, more confused than anything else.

Elle realised this challenged one of the fundamental rules the Gladers had with whoever put them all there. If Ben was attacked by a Griever during the day, then things were changing. As far as they knew, the Runners never encountered a Griever in the Maze because they only came out at night. Until now, even the Maze was safe as long as the doors were still open. Elle knew this shift in the rules of the Glade was dangerous, threatening every Glader, especially the Runners.

Elle's stomach churned as she wondered, What if the Grievers were small enough to fit through the opening in the Maze? What if they could enter the Glade?

Alby said nothing. "Help me, please," Ben pleaded. For a moment, Alby allowed himself to be emotional. He was distraught about what happened to Ben. With observant eyes, Elle watched as his expression hardened, and he took a deep breath. Now, he was back to being the strong leader everyone expected him to be. "Please. Please, just help..." Ben trailed off hopelessly, sobbing.

Alby rose to his feet and pointed right. "Put him in the Pit," he commanded. His voice was gentler than Elle thought it would be. "Come on, everybody help. Take him to the Pit!"

"No! No!" Ben thrashed in protest.

"Med-jack!" Newt called their resident doctors for help, waving Clint and Jeff over to assist him and Gally.

"Calm down, Ben," Gally tried to soothe his friend.

"No, I can't! Please! Please don't do it!" Ben begged. Several boys gathered to lift Ben and carry him to the Pit, where Elle knew he would be confined until the Gladers decided what to do with him. But what could be done? Ben wasn't himself, and having him in the Glade was dangerous if he attacked Thomas and threatened to kill Elle. Elle shuddered, realising the decision that the Keepers would have to make. "Get off of me! Get off of me! Listen to me! Please! Please!"

Thomas and Chuck looked after the boys as they carried Ben away, horrified. Alby turned and headed for the Homestead, expecting Thomas and Elle to follow him to ask questions. He knew he'd have to catch them up faster than he usually did with Greenies because Ben was stung. Everyone slowly trailed back to their jobs, shaken by the turn of events.

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