Secrets burning to get out

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Eleanor was still sound asleep on the bed as Louis rummaged through the apartment. He found every little golden holster he could find, and there were loads of them. He counted about fifteen red lipsticks only in their bedroom drawers and closet. I hope we're aware of that when we remove all of these lipsticks, nothing will be the same... he quietly thought to himself as he allowed his eyes to rest on the sleeping figure in bed. Convinced that this was something he simply had to do, Louis determinedly continued looking for the golden holsters.

As Louis heard a holster fall, Eleanor stirred in bed. Time was running short so he figured he would look after the one that got away later, he threw all the lipsticks in a plastic bag and hoisted it under his arm and made sure to throw them away as soon as possible.

"Louis?" a soft voice mumbled from the bed. Eleanor sniffled and propped up on her elbows, drowsy and drained after their massive fight. Her eyes scanned the letter again, it wasn't a dream, everything was unpleasantly real. 

However, the problem wasn't what state Eleanor was in, Rosalie didn't care whether some girl called Eleanor was sick or not. Her problem was that someone else occupied Louis' mind, and Rosalie would have nothing of it.


Days passed in silence, Eleanor couldn't find any of her lipsticks and she felt her confidence go down the drain the second she woke up in the morning with pale lips. Louis tried everything to make her speak to him, but he knew that without her lipstick, she was way too shy to talk to him. Rosalie could do the most unspeakable things, but as Eleanor? Louis would be lucky to get as much as a kiss. 

"Love, ready to go?" Louis peeked his head in to the bedroom and Eleanor blushed and quickly nodded. She strained to find anything to talk about in the car ride to the school. She had so many topics, but no courage to put them out there. He was just too perfect, nothing was wrong with him. Eleanor's eyes examined him from the passenger seat. The brown hair pushed aside, his oceanic blue eyes and long lashes, the perfect curved lips and the perfect lines that joined up the outlines of his jaw. She sighed unnoticeably and made a mental list to compare the two of them and not surprisingly Eleanor's mind ranted, he's a ten and you're hardly a five. Any sensible person would reject at this point, but Eleanor is no sensible person, so she quietly leaned her forehead against the foggy window and held her tongue.

Louis and Eleanor parted ways before going inside the great building. Louis' shoulder slumped and the boyish grin was pressed in to a thin line as his eyes looked off into the distance. "Good morning Mr.Tomlinson!" some of his students cheerily greeted him as they walked by. "Please guys, it's Louis!" he stated and waved them off as he entered the school halls. He hadn't really given it a thought before he met Eleanor how little of an age difference there was between him and his students. He scoffed and rolled his eyes at himself as it began to bother him. Purest truth it was, he could be their big brother. Not exactly hard to understand all the other professors that felt awkward at the teachers' lounge.It was an uplifting fact that Louis were able to get a degree in such an early stage of his life.  

Louis walked with a straighter back now and felt like a serious load of weight was lifted off his shoulders. He loved his job. Acting was fun and acting was interesting! His thoughts were cut off by the terrible voice once again

"Mr...uh, LOUIS." Louis turned around and arched an eyebrow as he made eye contact with the principal of the school, once again waving the same piece of paper in her hand.

"We have to talk about this!" she sneered and Louis almost rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

"Please, ma'am, we discussed this only a couple of months ago... I really thought it was dead and buried," Louis shuddered at his bad choice of words, but didn't make it evident.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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