WaLkIng ToWaRdS wOnKyToWn ayyEeahah

390 6 8

moona lisa and edwardo the gnome sit in the cojach and start sitting up.

"ayo you bagget" the gnome says bitterly

"wat skrubb,i no i am eat de frech bred but i am not fagget u wot m8" mona lisa cums out of no wheres and says.

"yu wot m8, fite me irl, 1v1 n00b" the gnome says.

"AYO BITCHES WE GOIN ON DE FARRY" the teacher says

"time to go,dipshit" mona lisa says

"Shoot da fuq up i sware on me moom"the gnome replies.

"stahp doing me a frighten i be shøøk"mona scremd and


they exit the coachh holding hunds and start makng out.

*theyre just facking makng out calm don m8ys*

they carry on makng out and the gnome pushes his hand on mona lisas arse.

"ah~" mona moans out.

they make out as mona lisa puts her legs on him as they sit down.

"ahhhhhgggahdhhsh~" mona moans out more as smexy edwardo kisses her neck. the gnomeo starts taking off her shorts and top, he also takes his shorts off and....

*awkward long pause*

the gnome takes out his dIAK and mona lisa laughs out loud.

"what??" gnome asks


papa franku cums out behind the couch and says

"hEy b0$$,nO
pOu$$ay?" he was upset, for there was no POU$$AY FOR HIM. he leaves silently and wishes he wasnt a failed abortion.

they forget about him and shrug their sholders and she takes out her rooster and edwardo dies from embarrismnt bc he hasnt got a magnum donger boner like mONA.

*da end*

*kaajal stamp of aprooval*

1 like = 1 quantum dingaling for mona

288 words,

thsi took long you hornay fukrz.

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