Falling for Imperfect Clowns

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Hiya guys!

This was my very first fan fic and I'm proud to say it's a One Direction fan fic :)) (It's pretty short). This one's already done, right now, I'm working on the sequel to this (Falling For imperfect clowns II : Torn) and a one shot that none of you will understand unless you read this :)) I really hope you guys like it!

This one is pretty much a "prologue" fanfic. The sequel is where the real drama starts but I hope you like this just as much :)

If you've noticed all my fanfics starred two girls. a brunette and a blonde. That's actually me and my best friend, @niallsfood. (Kat)  She's absolutely amazing and talented, even if she doesn't think so. She's the reason why I love One Direction as much as I do now. And she's helped me get through a lot of stress and problems. She was always there for me. I don't tell her this often, but I'm so lucky to call her my best friend. People wonder why we got so close, cause we arent alike whatsoever, but she's been nothing but good to me.  Her personality kinda comes out in this fanfic, so yeah, this is dedicated to her :)

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x Katia

Falling For Imperfect Clowns

Chapter 1:

“Wait up!”

She ran as fast as she could after Emily, who stalked down the hallway to the exit. Her heavy backpack didn’t really help her move any faster, but she thought of it as an extra weight-losing thing. Sophie nearly tripped, and bumped a boy, pushing him to the side, as she continued darting after her friend.

“Sorry!” She turned her head and yelled back as she ran.

Fortunately enough, Emily stopped. Irritated, she faced Sophie, who had already paused, panting and fixing her blouse.

“Will you please try to walk faster?” Emily complained. “I don’t want to be late for everything all because I have to wait for you take your God forsaken time!”

None of this bothered Sophie. Emily, being her best friend, had always been that way. She spoke her mind, but that was one of the good things about her. She never sugar coated anything for anyone. She’d say what she sees. Em was definitely a strong person.

They both walked out the door and down the front steps. Sophie couldn’t help but shield her eyes from the sun. She looked ahead at Emily, who’s blonde hair seemed lighter now.

“Did you… put lemon in your hair again?” Sophie asked curiously as Em turned sideways, smiling glamorously at her.

“Isn’t it great?” She continued walking, her long, wavy hair bouncing perfectly down her shoulders.

Other students passed them by wearing the same school uniform as they did. Everyone had black blazers lines with red fabric. It had the school crest on the chest pocket. They wore silk red neckties and crisp white, long sleeved polo shirts. Girls wore red plaid skirts cut short above the knees and black socks and shoes while boys had their khaki pants.

It would seem like a perfect afternoon to anyone, not too cloudy, not too hot, not to cold. The wind blew Sophie’s brown hair back away from her face.

Emily went on about how she’d prefer being home schooled because she didn’t want to have to wake so early everyday.

“I mean, think about it, if school started at twelve noon? I’d come to class every-bloody-day!” She announced a bit to loudly.

“But who’ll I be with? It’s bad enough I barely see you when you’re actually enrolled in this school!” Sophie reasoned.

“Oh relax, it wont be that bad, we’ll keep in touch. Promise.”

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