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Okay, so I got back from camp yesterday and today I'm supposed to be doing chores but I had this and I really wanted to give all of my poetry fans something to read so here it is.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!




Sometimes things happen for a reason

Sometimes they don't

Sometimes everyone will say they hate each other

Sometimes they don't

Sometimes children will wail and bawl

Sometimes they don't

Sometime the young take life for granted

Sometimes they don't

Sometimes you just want to curl up under the covers and cry

Sometimes you don't

Sometimes you want to stick your head into a pillow and scream

Sometimes you don't

Sometimes you congregate all your friends and just have fun

Sometimes you don't

Sometimes you think that life isn't fair

Sometimes you don't

Sometimes people think of no one but themselves

Sometimes they don't

Sometimes you tell yourself everything is going to be okay

Sometimes you don't

Sometimes everyone cries for the losses they've endured

Sometimes they don't

Sometimes you look at your life and wish for something better

Sometimes you don't


How was it?

I know that it's probably not as good as the other ones but I wasn't really feeling the poetry vibe and this was one that I wrote ages ago...anyway...don't forget to vote and comment!!

Thanks for reading



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