The Chase

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Emily P.O.V

My mind was reeling, but I walked with purpose. As I stepped on to the street, I had to fight the urge to check if anyone had followed me. From the silence in the hallways I could tell they hadn't

I spotted a taxi just in front of me and I flung my arm out to flag it down. It stopped and I asked the driver to take me to the airport.

It was the only place I could get away quickly and eficiently. I could see the driver glancing at me through the mirror. I must have looked a sight, red eyed and teary faced.

He furrowed his eyebrows and I glanced away nervously, "Hey lady, have I seen you before?" He asked me, a strong accent jolting to my ears. I shook my head,

"I shouldn't have thought so, sorry" I replied, attempting a half hearted smile. He still didn't seem convinced,

"No, I have! I'm sure!" He insisted and then started rummaging under his seat. Soon he triumphantly held something up. "Here, tell me this isn't you!"

I took it from his grasp and surveyed the magazine he had handed me, sure enough. There I was on the cover, Siva on one side of me and Nathan on the other. Next to that picture was another, this time Jay and I walking from the taxi to the hotel entrance.

"Wow, Yeah it is. How did they get these?" I asked still shocked at the fact I was in a magazine.

"They are everywhere sweetheart, You don't even see them. They just catch you off guard."

I slowly took the information in, before realising he was still talking " I wouldn't normally have you know, not my kind of thing but the daughter loves it." I cchuckled slightly finding his obvious discomfort strangely sweet.

Before I knew it we had arrived. I hopped out, paid and then made my way through the airport. Deja vu hit me very strongly and I tried to ignore what had happened the last time I attempted to travel by plane.

I hate sitting at gates, they terrify me. The intolerable wait for the flight and then gazing out at your plane awaiting you. It almost makes me not want to fly seeing all the members of the crew and cleaners through the windows if the waiting area.

I could never explain it, maybe it is an irrational fear. It would help if I had someone with me but I didn't, I never did. I stood wanting to walk away from my little corner of misery, spotting a duty free shop just ahead I hurried towards it. Swerving and weaving my way through the crowd of people all carrying their enormous hand luggage.

Jay P.O.V

I had fallen three times, in the last four days, Once for a girl who didn't even believe in the concept of love, and then twice while rushing after the afor mentioned girl in airports.

It was become a regular thing, this time it was even more important. The minute I had said those worlds I could see her face hardening and growing colder. We were back to square one where she would hide her face and pretend that she wasn't there.

I stared at the departures list with such intensity I felt as though if I closed my eyes I would still be able to see it. I spotted the one for London, Heathrow. Surely that is where she would be going. Gate 45. Got it.

I began the Chase.

Emily P.O.V

Seats are so uncomfortable, I would prefer to sit on the floor any day but apparently you can't do that in an airport.

As I squirmed on the long bench I was perched on I thought about what was waiting for me in England.

I couldn't go back home, I didn't even understand what had happened about that, I realised I had been staring at the same old woman for about ten minutes and hurriedly changed the direction of my gaze.

"Calling all passengers travelling to London Heathrow Gate 45 please begin to board."

I sprung to my feet, despite my worries about the next few months, the sooner I got out of this place the better. Lifting my bag on to my back I joined the other travellers shuffling towards the desk.

Jay P.O.V

I had now fallen about six times in the last four days, my body was beginning to bruise both physically and mentally. it was hard work battling my way through the masses.

I looked up to try and find what gate I had reached now, Gate 25. Oh God, I was never going to make it.

"Calling all passengers travelling to London Heathrow Gate 45 please begin to board."

They couldn't be boarding yet could they? Romantic films made this look so easy, you jog past two people and then the love of your life is just there. waiting.

Emily P.O.V

The flight attendant checked my ticket and then waved me through, I smiled weakly and tried to walk forward without stumbling.

If I was going to be honest with myself I had half expected some kind of airport chase but I had to be realistic.

Jay had made his feelings very clear, I had to accept it and move on.

Show everyone I wasn't as weak as they seemed to think.

Jay P.O.V

My heart thudded as I skidded around the corner and headed towards her Gate. my stomach dropped as I saw the staff locking it and walking away.

That couldn't be right, they were supposed to wait.

There was only one option now, I patted my pockets for my phone and then pressed the call button.

Emily P.O.V

I was just putting my bags away when I felt my phone vibrating, I felt myself freeze as I glanced at the caller

ID. Jay. I bit my lip, Do I answer?

Hey Guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2014 ⏰

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