Chapter 1: Gunpowder Perfume

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The sounds of the carriage wheels gliding over the streets of the grand Estmarch capital kept Miku Hatsune's mind focused during her ride through the October moonlight. Her pure white gown, ruffled around the sleeves and matching the white ribbons of tying her hair into two long teal pigtails, made her appear as innocent as newly fallen snow. A small tiara of flowers nestled in her hair, perpetuating what she knew to be an illusion.

Her "innocence" was a lie.

She glanced out the windows as she tried to make a mental image of Vedunia as it was tonight. She'd already ridden in through the slums, where poverty and strife claimed those deemed "lesser."

Now she rode through the wealthy districts where those close to the seat of power flaunted their money and privilege. Clean and neat, shining with gilded trims and finely paved streets. New automobiles sat next to many of the curbs - a symbol of status as the industrial age continued to enrich the wealthy and drain the poor. Miku's carriage was merely for show.

"Tonight you are a Cinderella, and when the clock strikes twelve, you will become a princess."

Cinderella's fairy godmother never turned mice into steel and gasoline.

Cinderella never planned to murder her Prince.

The carriage came to a stop as the first security checkpoint was reached. Miku's face eased into a happy smile as a soldier in a deep blue uniform approached her door. "Miss, I must have your name and your papers."

She pulled out the documents she needed – all of them forged, a fake title, a fake country.

"I'm the Countess Miku Hatsune of Marchenland."

She could hear them mumbling to each other as they looked over each one. "Travel papers issued... August 31st, 1914. These are the most recent ones, right?"

"Indeed... here's a copy, see? They haven't changed them in three weeks yet, must be a record."

Having sorted it out, the guards allowed her carriage to progress.

As if waving a magic wand, Miku had been turned from the child of the cinders into a Countess.

To Miku's surprise, the closer she got to the palace, the more her hands trembled. She didn't understand – was this not what she'd been born to do? Was this task not the price she was to pay to become Cinderella?

She tried to imagine her target. She'd never met him of course – it was important that his murderer be a complete stranger. The son of two monstrous tyrants, little was truly known about Prince Kaito of Estmarch. While everyone knew his face thanks to the proliferation of royal portraits and propaganda for the Crown, he was yet to be regent and he played no role in the brutal politics. Those who had lost hope of mercy from his parents had started to whisper hopes that perhaps this mysterious prince would be different, that he would turn his back on the wars of conquest. Others held no such illusions – a child of tyrants would no doubt grow up to be a tyrant himself, and fear of the terrible reign of the Shion royals extending into another generation drove the violent rebellions sparking up across the country.

Miku wondered if she should try to think of him that way, until she remembered her training – there was to be no emotional attachment whatsoever. No matter what sort of man Prince Kaito turned out to be, his fate was to be the same.

She rode into the second security checkpoint and again gave her practiced introduction. Again, she waved through. The child of a merchant, abandoned after his death to the whims of a stepmother and stepsiblings. Miku was the embodiment of Cinderella's humble upbringing.

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