Hope Returns

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It was quiet after the skirmish. Soldiers from both sides lie dead upon the ground in distorted piles like broken dolls tossed aside after rough play. The elf and dwarf searched, but Aragorn was nowhere to be found. Gimli approached a withering orc on the ground, drawing its last breaths in pain. "Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing*," Gimli growled, leaning closer to the bloodied face.

"He's," its words were pierced by a nasty cough*, " dead. He took a little tumble off the cliff." Evil laughter riddled with labored gasps. It rang in Legolas's sharp ears like a tormenting bell. Anger welled inside him and he could no longer stand the grotesque creature in front of him drawing breath. It exhaled only untruths.

"You lie*!" The elf lunged forward and grabbed the warg rider violently. He glared ferociously, trying to find the truth in the orc's dying face, but it kept laughing insanely, betraying nothing else. Then the black eyes glazed over and breath no longer struggled outward, and Legolas backed away, suddenly stricken. Aragorn could not be dead. There was too much at stake.

A soft glinting caught his eye. The Evenstar was clutched in the warg rider's fist. The gentle glow seemed to dim in the evil hand that held it.

Legolas picked it out from the twitching fingers, black with blood. It shone quietly in his hand, a star plucked from the heavens. Briskly, he stood and went to to the ledge. He silently stared downward at the raging river below. He paid little attention to King Théoden, who was standing there also, looking over the side. He searched desperately for evidence of Aragorn's life or death, but he could see nothing. He tightened his grip on the Evenstar until the crystal cut into the flesh of his hand. He didn't even notice when Gimli solemnly came up beside him.

"Leave the dead*."

Legolas whirled on the voice, his heart stopping in his chest. Théoden stood there, a grim look on his face. The elf almost protested, almost yelled that they could not leave Aragorn to die, and yet the words would not come. They perished in his throat because he knew that there was no point. There was nothing more to be done, no matter what he felt on the matter. And he felt a lot.

Théoden sympathetically touched Legolas's armored shoulder like someone who had experienced loss before. "Come*." He said nothing more and turned away.

Hesitantly and with one last look over the edge, Legolas followed, while a cloud began forming around his heart.

Within the perceived safety of Helm's Deep, there was much turmoil. There were too many people to feed, all crowded into the same space, and an overhanging dread that penetrated the air like smoke. Some were already grieving those they had lost, and a singular elf was among that number.

Legolas was quietly mourning in the dark, unnoticed by the toiling crowd. His thoughts were black like the Mines of Moria, full of death and loss. But then he heard them. "He's alive!" the people of Rohan said, "Aragorn is alive!" His bowed head snapped up, a stupefied look passing his eyes. Aragorn was still alive, he had come back, and the elf's heart soared with joy. Happiness made it hard to breathe. All was not lost as it had seemed! Aragorn and hope returned to the Rohirrim and to his friends.

Legolas went forward from his shadowed corner and began to look for his friend. In the bright light of day, he saw him. Hiding his elated expression, he approached Aragorn, and his eyes suddenly blurred with tears that he blinked away imperceptibly. No other sight was more welcome than him, injured as he was, torn, scraggly-looking and limping slightly. "Le abdollen (1)*," Legolas greeted, half accusing, half joking. A smile cracked through, but it was quickly replaced with concern. He looked at the wounds his friend had sustained. They were worse up close. "You look terrible*."

But Aragorn laughed. Legolas was glad to see it reach his eyes.

"Cormamin lindua ele lle (2)." The elf said this sincerely and deeply, but Aragorn did not grasp the full meaning behind his words.

Hope Returns { The Lord of the Rings }Where stories live. Discover now