one↠ vulenrability

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    Winnie let her paws hit the earth, her sharp claws uprooting some of the soft earth as she ran nimbly through the forest. She felt great letting all of her frustration out after a busy and exhausting day at work.
She was a preschool teacher for her pack, educating and caring for twenty small and highly rambunctious children. Though she loved all of students and her job very much, caring for all of their needs and fusses always made for a tough and tiresome occupation.

    Today was an especially hard day-she had taken the kids to a local museum in the city. Instead of telling them interesting facts about history and showing them artifacts, she was chasing most of them around leaving her with some pent up frustration and exhaustion.

Winnie turned winding agilely through every tree and swiftly hopping over every tree trunk or boulders until she came to the place she loved so much; a small pond that sat a few miles out from the pack community. She'd loved this place ever since she was a young girl and had always snuck to this location if her mind was heavy or if she just felt like having a small moment of tranquility in her life.

Winnie huffed as she bent her front paws, letting her easily access the water. She lapped at it, giving a huff of relief as the liquid ridded her of the dry burning sensation she felt in her throat.
Once sated, Winnie lowered herself to the cool and damp forest floor placing her head on her front paws. Tired, she closed her eyes ready to fall asleep so she could be refreshed for another tiring but rewarding day with her students.
The sounds of hooting owls, chirping crickets, and the rustling of the wind through the tree branches were like a lullaby to Winnie. The sounds of nature invaded her ears making her feel at peace. I should mentally record this and play it back whenever those cute little brats give me a hard time she thought chuckling to herself.

    Just as Winnie was about to drift off into a peaceful sleep, the feeling of a brooding and dark presence had her standing and searching the area on her hind legs. She couldn't see anything but the feeling in her gut hand her worried.
After a few minutes, she decided that there was nothing there. I must be going crazy from those darn kids. She chuckled a little. Winnie slowly lowered back onto the ground, but this time not so vulnerable. Though she told herself it was nothing, she was still on alert.
A few seconds later, the feeling had intensified causing Winnie to stand and start heading in the direction of the compound. Though she wanted to tell herself that it was nothing, she couldn't help but be bothered by the nagging feeling in her chest.

    Winnie sprinted in a light jog as she made her way to the compound, jmping over the logs and boulders she had earlier, sprinting past the trees, she made her way in the direction of home not stopping until she could see the safe zone.
Winnie sighed in relief when she could see the lights from people's homes peaking through the trees.
Just when she felt as though she was safe, she stopped. Her tracks coming to an end as she sniffed at the air. Is that blood? She thought nervously. The hairs on her back stood up as the faint smell of copper trickled into her nose. She hated blood; the stickiness, the smell, the color, even the word made her feel on edge.

    Just as Winnie was about to start walking towards the compound to investigate, something wrapped around her neck frightening her.
She tried to wriggle free but couldn't as the object tightened making her legs buckle beneath her. The collar around her neck made her skin feel irritated as she tried to best to get out of its hold but to no avail. She was too weak to try. All she could do was lay lifeless as the thin collar began choking her.

"Loosen it up before before you kill the damn thing." She heard a man say. His voice was deep, one she didn't recognize. She heard another person huff in annoyance. Female?Suddenly the collar around her neck was loosened just enough for her to be able to breath without hassle. Who are they? How'd they get into the compound?
"Pick the mutt up," the voice Winnie now distinguished as a female said. In an instant, Winnie was being hauled up into big bulky arms. She could see the girl, maybe around her age, holding what looked like a dog catchers leash.
"Mhm," the man holding grunted out. "You won't be moving for a while, this a wolfsbane infused collar. You'll be paralyzed for an hour or two."
Wolfsbane? Winnie thought, her mind going into panic.

They started towards the compound center, the sight before Winnie making her want to faint.
There was bodies of dozens of people, their limbs torn, bodies cold from the lack of blood...and life. Some of them even had their spines ripped out of their bodies causing them to become a bloody and jello-y mess.

    As they walked by the dozens of mutilated corpses, Winnie noticed something-they were all men. Some of them old some extremely young, maybe 16. She knew these people; they were her neighbors, her friends, people she said hello to on her way to work. If she wasn't in a complete paralysis, she would've cried, sobbed even. What kind of people could do this to someone?
Little did Winnie know, her question was about to be answered. As her captures neared the center of the compound, she could see many people surrounding a man who was naked, just shifted from his werewolf form, what she feared to be the lifeless corpse of her alpha dangling in the mans grip.

As the man heard the crunching of footsteps against the brittle fall grass he turned, dropping the large wolf from his hands. Winnie's fears were real as she gazed upon the mauled body of her alpha. He didn't look like he was breathing... she couldn't feel his dominance over her.

"We didn't find anymore pack members on the property besides this one, sir." The girl said. Her head was casted down as she addressed the man before her.

    Winnie looked up at the man, his eyes were emitting a color she had never seen in a supernatural before besides demons; black.
His eyes were a deep charcoal color that had Winnie whimpering. Gazing upon the man she felt as if she were in some kind of nightmare that she couldn't awake from. Wake up, wake and this will all disappear. She thought to herself as she blinked her eyes quickly hoping for this horror show to come to an end.

"Well," the naked man said. His voice deep sending a chill up Winnie's spine.
"What do we have here? Hmm?" He walked over to where Winnie was standing before grabbing her muzzle roughly. "Where was this mutt hiding?"

"She was in the forest. Tried to run away, but we caught her."

"Put her with the rest." Was all he said before returning to his original position with his men. Winnie's heart rate accelerated as her captors walked over to large trucks. She could hear scratching on the metal doors as the neared. The girl walked ahead opening them to reveal the rest of Winnie's pack members inside.
Some started growling when the doors opened while others just stayed lifeless but all still breathing.

"I told you we should've upped the dosage." The man said as he removed the collar from around Winnie's neck.
"Ah whatever, just throw her in already."

The man holding her complied tossing Winnie into the truck. She whimpered as when a dull pain spread through her ribs. The man closed the truck doors, sealing the paralyzed wolves into complete darkness.
All Winnie could hear was the rapid breathing of the others. She could tell they were all just as scared and panicked as she was: the smell of urine confirmed this.

Winnie closed her eyes trying her best to wake up from the nightmare she felt she was in. This is just a dream. This is just a dream. This is just a dream. She kept repeating to herself.
Never had Winnie ever felt so helpless in her life. She couldn't move and speak which meant that she couldn't protect her pack like she'd been trained to do.

Winnie's attention was brought back to her horrifying reality when she heard the sounds of huffing coming from some of the pack members. They were sniffing at the air as the smell of a putrid chemical laced the air, inevitably entering their systems. The sleeping agent was coming from a vent that someone had released into the trucks. One by one, wolves began to stop their rapid breathing turning it into a slow pattern, their heartbeats following suit.

Winnie tried her best not to breathe in the toxic air, her heart pounding in her chest as she held her breath for as long as possible. It was nearly a minute later when her lungs gave in desperate for air. A few breaths later and Winnie was inhaling the toxic chemicals.
No matter how hard she tries to fight of the newfound sleepiness that her body felt, she couldn't. Her eyes became heavy and her breathing coming to a slow pace. Fuck. Was all Winnie could say to herself as her eyelids closed for the last time.

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