Heart Beats An Undead Love Story Part One

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Chapter One


The first time I heard the song, “Face of an Angel”  I’m driving down Main Street on my way to Lissie’s.         I remember  the air feeling  cool and slick on my face.  It’s one of perks of living on the coast.   Along with the hot  bikini’s  that turn up every summer  in my surf shop. 

I grab a couple of burgers and get back on the road.  The fries are crying to me .   I reach over and string a few into my mouth.  Greasy heaven.

I turn up my ipod.

A white hot flash hits me.        

I don’t really remember anything after that.

No pearly gate , no big guy with a white beard.  

  Just a cold, hard brick wall I find myself propped up against.   I feel down my arm, slowly wiggling each of my long fingers.  I’m thirsty.


 I sleep in a tunnel under this bridge me and Lissie use to ride our bikes to.  We’d park ‘em on the side and run down the hill, crashing through the rocks.  I’d get there first and roll up into the tunnel waiting for Liss so I could spring out at her.  She’d take her time, hoping I’d give in and sit like a punk ‘til she made her way down.  The  look on her face never got old. 

 I slump over onto my belly, and push up to what I call a stand these days.     

I feel slick saliva, drooling  down the corners of my mouth, sticking to my chin.  It is just so juicy.  I lick the corners of my mouth and savor it’s sweet rusty flavor.  I run my hand down my leg and  swipe off this  sticky mass  and find that it’s kind of endless.  Like oatmeal.  It just keeps stringing off my fingers in cold green clumps. 

I take inventory of what I got left today.   My eyes, a nose, check.   Jaw opens, closes.    Awesome.

 It seems colder tonight than usual.    I stretch out and take a slow step out onto the rocks.     I feel an odd  tickle craw down my left  arm.   


 There’s my hand.  Just lying there, fingers spread wide open.  I don’t know which is more terrifying.   Watching  my brains   seep out  of my head , or seeing  my hand  just lying  on the rocks.   

  It actually looks alive down there,  like it’s reaching up to me hoping to jump back on.

I look up and take another slow step forward.

This may take a while.

Chapter Two


Turn of the lights.  Lock up.  Go to the basement and stay there.   And Em..PLEASE DON’T DRINK FROM THE FAUCET..

My text from Sam.  

  I put my phone down and  grab candles out of the  cup  board.   Canned beans tonight.  Yay.    Sam keeps us  stocked with the kind where the hot dog is hidden somewhere in the middle.    He  gets too freakin’  anxious.     I grab the matches,  lock the door, and flip the switches.  I use my tiny flashlight  to  help me find my way to a candle and I  strike a match,   grab a few magazines and make my way down three stairs into our  basement.   It’s my hang out for nights when Sam decides I’m better off here than up there.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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