The Land of the Lost (A short story)

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My full black gown billows in the wind. I stroll along the beach, a dark raven follows behind me. Sitting on the beach, I look out onto the water. I sit on the beach for about two hours. I stand up and brush the sand of my dress. I walk off of the beach, to my black stallion grazing in the grass.

I bring my horse to a halt in front of the palace gate. I climb down off my horse. And push open the gates. I grab the reigns of the horse and lead him in side the gates. A guard closes the gates behind me. I hand the reigns to a stable boy and head off to the palace.

I open the magohny oak doors, into the throne room. Adjusting my gown, I walk into the wide open room. I take the crown out of a glass case. Positioning the crown on my head till it is perfect. I sit down on a solid gold throne. Waiting for a royal subject to bring a lost soul to me.

"Your majesty? May I come in?"

"Yes, you may."

A servent comes in with a person trailing behind him. I can see that he found a lost soul. Whenever a person dies and they can't find thier way, they come to my land and stay for an eternity. No matter how hard they try to leave, my guards find them to stay imprisioned.

"Put this soul in sector three," I tell the servent.

"Yes your majesty." The servent guides the lost soul out of the throne room into sector three.

I stand up off the throne. I place the crown into a glass case. I push the oak doors open and search through the corridor. I see a servent carrying a brown wicker basket through the corridor.

"You there!" I shout at the servent.

"Ye-Yes your majesty," the servant stutters.

"Go to the stables and tell the stable hand to ready Obsidian. Then fetch a lady-in-waiting and send to ready me!"

"Yes your highness," the servent takes off down the corridor.

I walk along the corridor to my chamber. A pure white lion lays in the corner of the chamber on a black cushion. As soon as I shut the door, the white lion looks up at me and growls slightly. A quite knock echos on the door.

"Come in!" I shout from inside the chamber.

"Good afternoon your highness."

"Hello, are you here to ready me for my ride?"

"Ye-yes your majesty," says the lady in a quiet voice.

She moves over to a wide solid cherry oak wardrobe. The maid pulls out a black, gray, and white riding uniform. The pants are a solid black that is made of velvet. While the shirt is a pure white color that is pure silk. The jacket is a light creamy gray made of a mixture of silk and velvet. She unlaces the back of my gown and helps me change into the riding frocks. She braids my long dark brown hair down the center of my back.

I walk into the stables and see the stable hand adjusting the saddle on Obsidian. Obsidian neighs in my presence. The stable hand steps back, so I may inspect his work. I view the ivory colored saddle with matching reigns. A dark green ivy pattern swirls on the saddle. The tack is very fine indeed. I climb onto Obsidian. The white lion Zenna follows behind me.

Clicking my tounge, we are off. Obsidian gallops out of my kingdom of the lost. We trot through the shawdows of earth. Searching for lost souls. Zenna roars out when she senses a soul nearby. I bring Obsidian to a halt as I search for the lost. A small child walks out from a hidden alley way.

"Do you know where my mum is?" The young girl asks quietly.

"No dear but, I can take you to a place where you can stay."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2013 ⏰

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