Part 1- Welcome and FAQ

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Hey everyone, welcome! I am glad you have found this book.

Here is where I will be posting updates about my writing, such as announcing a Hiatus or a Discontinuation of a book.

The Dos And Do Nots of this book:

•Ask any questions you have that are not found in the FAQ
•Be polite to others in the Comments. I hate fighting.

Do Not:
•Be aggresive or impolite to someone asking a question that is in the FAQ.
•Spam the comments
•Ask for a request.


Q: Where do I give you my request?
A: Please direct message me or comment on the story you want to make a request for! I usually ask a lot of questions about requests and I'd rather not clog up my conversations board.

Q: What is the status of (Insert Book Title)?
A: Status Updates are posted as they come into action. Look for the most recent part in this book with the title of that one for it's status.

Q: Are you open to people DMing you just because?
A: Yes! Feel free to message me anytime, even if you just want to chat about that stupid thing your dog did.

Q: Who are your 'Headmates'?
A: The headmates are.. Beings, in my head. Monsters, characters, humans. Lots of things.They just sorta.. started showing up randomly one day. I can talk to them, but nobody else can see or hear them, and they can hurt me, but nobody sees that either. They can also take control of the body, or 'front'.

Q: Can I make covers for your books?
A: Absolutely! The only method of making a cover I have is Wattpad Covers. Which is horrible. I'd really appreciate the assistance in making the exterior of my books look more professional.

Q: Do you do tags?
A: Yes! Feel free to tag me in whatever tagging game you want to tag me in.

Q: What pronouns and stuff do you use in books?
A: It depends on the book. For plot-driven, multi-part stories, I default to gender neutral pronouns and pansexuality just so everyone, whatever gender or sexuality, can insert themselves and feel comfortable! On oneshots, if a specific pronoun and/or sexuality is not requested, I default right back gender neutral/pansexual.

And please, ask any other questions you have! If it gets asked enough, I will add it here.

Hope you enjoy your stay here at GoodVoices.

Until next time Coffee Cups!

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