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  • Dedicated to society.

Smile for the camera, darlin', and only for the camera.


stand still, darling,
don't you fidget,
or you will be imperfect,
nothing more than a scribble.

stay put, stay put,
don't you move,
or the judges on-stage will not approve.

put on your war-paint
to battle age;
put on your mary-janes,
and don't you dare show a hint of pain.

they want you to smile, darling,
so just do what they say.
just be pretty, darling;
be pretty in every possible way.

chin up,
shoulders level,
don't let them know
if ever you tremble.

hey, honey, be pretty;
you're beautiful now,
you're beautiful today.

just hope and pray that,
your smiles and waves,
your curtsies and sways,
will be pretty enough for judgement day.

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