1-New Look, New Identity

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Rosie's POV

I kept punching the punching bag in my room not even acknowledging my mother leaning against the door frame.

"Rosalinda. You can't just keep punching that bag." She pointed out.

"And you can't control me." I retracted.

"As long as you live under my roof I do!"

"It's my roof mom." I punch became more forceful now.

"You live in the guest house, Rosalinda." She rolled her eyes.

"Only because I was sick of those rich snobs coming over."

"They're not rich snobs. They're you, stepfathers."

"The only stepfather I love is, Jack, and you won't let me see him anymore."

"He almost killed you!"

"Like you care." I rolled my eyes.

"Rosalinda Ryder-" she warned me but I cut her off and stopped punching the bag.

"I am not Rosalinda Ryder any more mom. I am Ace Winters." I grabbed my wallet and phone and stormed out of my house.

I hopped on my motorcycle and drove off. I love this bike. It's my heart and soul.

Now that my mother isn't here to interrupt me I can't introduce myself.

I used to be Rosie Ryder until yesterday. I adopted a new identity as Ace Winters for a lot of reasons. I am 18 years old and I have bright brown hair and brown eyes.

Not for long though. I'm going to the store to pick up some stuff to change my look to match my new identity.

And also because I look exactly like my mother and I don't want anyone to think I'm just like her.

Now you must be wondering why I dislike her so much.

Well, for one thing, she's a slut.

I am not slut shaming.

She literally has a different husband every year.

I don't even know my real father.

The worst part of it is, she only marries for money. Not love.

It makes me sick.

She also doesn't let me make my own decisions on anything.

Not food.

Not clothes.

Not anything.

I probably sound like a whining brat right now.

I've only made a few decisions in my life. And I am appreciative of them.

Such as my motorcycle, my new name, new look, and moving out from my mom's house.

Now I live in her guest house because I couldn't stand her anymore.

Now I guess you are wondering about Jack.

He's one of my stepfathers. The only one I'm fond of.

He is a gang leader and I got into some trouble last year so I'm not allowed to see him anymore.

I don't know my real father but he was the only father figure

I arrived at the store sooner than expected.

I parked my motorcycle close to the front entrance and left my helmet on the seat.

I walked in and ignored the lustful looks from boys.

I Punched The AlphaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα