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Dear Reader,

This story was born in a long night on the road, driving across the deserted midlands in the rain.  Unlike our heroine Dan, I reached home—tired, but alright and with this story idea burning in my head.
I published the first, German version of it in 2014 under the title "Chronos" on Wattpad. As an essay in improving my language skills, I translated it into English in 2017, filling plot holes and adding more detail to certain scenes on the go.
Then, in 2020, while the world tumbled into the Corona madness, I was invited to a wonderful critique and writing group here on Wattpad and decided to rewrite this story. My thanks belong to my buddies at the @TheWritersEdge book club—for all the constructive input and the help in making this so much better.

Jinn, August 2020

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