Kiss my neck part 1

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Alec stood with crossed arms in front of Magnus and looked angrily:" I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me, Darling." Magnus looked at him with puppyeyes:" Magnus, I told you not to do things like that when we have a meeting... > Alec had a meeting with the leaders of the Downworld only Magnus wasn't there because he doesn't want to wake up so early in the morning only to go to the institute. In the middle of the meeting Alec got massages from Magnus on his phone. First it was only flirting but then Magnus began to send pictures of him. He came out of the shower and Alec could see Magnus' wet upper body. His muscles sparkled from the water. Alec' heart raced and he was nervous. He couldn't concentrate on the conversation until Jace tipped on his arm because Luke said something and waited for Alec' response:" Oh, I'm...I'm sorry. Could...could you repeat what you said, please." Raphael rolled his eyes when Luke repeated everything. Alec was very embarrassed and he had the feeling that everyone knew what Magnus sent him. Especially because of Raphael because it felt like he pierced Alec with his gaze. And Jace must feel that Alec was nervous. Alec tried to calm down and to concentrate. The meeting continues without other interruptions until his phone vibrates again. When he opened the massage his eyes went wide and his mouth stood open a little. His whole body was hot. The first picture was from Magnus' boxer shorts. Alec could see the form of his hard member. The second picture was from Magnus' Hand. He was in his boxers and in the last picture Alec could see Magnus' hard member. He held it in his hand. Alec felt how his pants got tighter. Somehow it was a good feeling. The phone vibrates again and Alec saw a picture from his lovers hand and it was full with his members come. Alec was so surprised that he jumped up and the others looked confused expect from Raphael. He just rolled his eyes<...////

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