Homeward Bound?

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A rumbling sensation was starting up under my body just as I lost all of my senses. Maybe that sea did come to drown me...


Omniscient POV~

An exclamation of surprise rang out as the ground began to quiver violently beneath the many pairs of feet in the huge "reception" room of Kadi's-- Vale's house. Arms were thrown out to either side for balance, and a few nations grabbed on to their friends for support.

"What's going on?" more than one cried out over the din.

But Vale, whose hand was firmly linked with Russia's, had a sinking feeling that told her exactly what had happened. Her husband looked down at her calmly, asking with his purple eyes "What is happening?"

She didn't really want to say what was going on, but the words escaped her mouth as soon as the "earthquake" of sorts settled down.

Rayn jumped down from America's back and looked around the room to survey the damage. Nothing had fallen since the room was practically empty; none of the columns connecting the roof to the floor had even cracked. The quake had been gentle to them.

Where had it been unkind, though?

"Vale? What's going on, sweetie?" America asked an instant later. She looked over at her father with an expression of uncertainty, and yet of complete certainty. Vale didn't want her suspicions to be true.

"... The fight's over," she announced in a voice that rivaled Canada's for quietness.

Without a second to waste, she let go of Russia's hand and darted to the wall, mentally ordering it to open for her. It slid back, but to her surprise the others were following her!

"What are you doing?" she demanded to know. "Stay here!"

"We want to be there for her," Canada explained quickly. "Please!"

"We should see it with our own eyes," England added.

"Vale, please," Rayn pleaded gently.

The new Scribe seemed to deflate just slightly as she sighed. "Fine, but stay close."

The need to hurry was still present, and so she took off running with the other nations on her heels. No one had stayed behind in the reception room, it appeared. They sped around corners and down long corridors that all looked the same. How Vale was even able to keep her bearings was a mystery to everyone, but that was hardly at the forefront of their minds.

Canada's heart was beating madly, but not for benign reasons. If France hadn't taken his hand for a moment and looked at him in a way that asked if he was alright, the pounding organ might have exploded outward from his chest. Okay, not literally, but the meaning is still the same.

Eventually, after a good few minutes of running, Vale stopped in front of a door printed with the word "Elsewhere" in ornate script. The nations behind her skidded to a rocky halt and all waited as she paused in front of the door, her hand wavering uncertainly just centimeters away from the doorknob.

"Vale, please," Canada whispered pleadingly.

She turned the knob and pushed open the door only to have it get stopped three inches into its inward swing. Vale leaned her shoulder against it and shoved, but it was stuck. Something on the other side was blocking the door!

"Dad, Ivan," Vale spoke, her voice betraying the fear welling up in her chest. "Can you get this open?"

The two strong nations took her place at the door and pushed as one, managing to shove it open a good couple of feet before America's foot slipped on the smooth floor and Russia's hand on the back of his jacket kept him from falling stupidly. "Thanks, man," America said gratefully as he patted Russia's shoulder and then darted into the opening they'd made with their combined strength. Vale had slipped inside the instant she could squeeze herself through, and was already waiting for them as she surveyed the damage.

Where Thou Art, That Is Home (Hetalia Fanfic, Part 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя