1. 2am

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She blinked several times, and then rubbed her eyes. Her mother had always told her not to do that, but seeing as her mother wasn't here with her at the moment, she decided she didn't particularly care. Glancing once again in her finger print stained mirror, she saw her own murky green eyes staring back at her. She definitely needed food.

Via hadn't eaten since that morning, struggling to cram writing five different essays that were all due by ten am tomorrow. It wasn't her fault that she had pushed it to the last minute, really, it wasn't. She had lost herself in her blog entries. One hour had turned to another and several days followed that. While she was supposed to be writing her five essays, she was redesigning her blog and drafting several new entries that really should have been uploaded months ago. She had even slacked behind on blog writing—Via really couldn't believe herself.

She didn't bother to make herself look presentable; she was only going to the convenience store. Besides, it was currently two am, and no one in their right mind would be there, save for Via. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't be seen doing this.

That was a definite lie. Via usually went to the store at late hours like this.

Pushing open her door, she was greeted by a gust of the A.C and she shivered, stuffing her hands into her pocket. She blinked again, allowing her eyes to adjust to the brightness of the hallway, and then hurried down, realizing she was wasting time to write her essays. She wasn't surprised though, as it was something she typically found herself doing.

What did surprise her though, was a boy, around her age, laying in a sleeping bag, right outside what appeared to be his room. He seemed to be mentally counting down.

Via, who had considered interacting with people a work-in-progress for her, felt the strange urge to talk to this brown haired, blue eyed boy.

"What—" She had to clear her voice from hours of not using it, "are you doing?"

The boy glanced up, surprised, "My roommate's fiancee is over. As great as she is, I'd rather not be in there right now," he wrinkled his nose in disgust. Via let out a bark of laughter as she eyed his sleeping bag.

He scowled at her, and his cheeks blossomed bright red as he continued explaining his situation, "so that's why I'm out in the hallway, trying to sleep. But the damn A.C. is so loud and apparently, they need the lights to be this bright at two am when everyone is supposed to be sleeping."

"Not me. I'm going to the convenience store to get snacks."

"You're batshit crazy," the boy gave her an incredulous look, to which she shrugged off.

"I, like Rudyard Kipling, work best in the late hours of the night."

"One, it's the early morning. Two, I'm like two hundred percent sure that's code for 'I did nothing all day and am paying for it now.'"

"Jumping to conclusions now, are we, Mr. I-Speak-Fluent-Bullshit," she cocked an eyebrow at him, but could feel the corners of her mouth lifting.

He did not look impressed by his new name, "It's actually Remington."

"Remington—who the fuck names their child Remington?"

"Well what's your name, you special snowflake?" He gave her a glance that stated he did not appreciate her disdain for his name.



"Short for Olivia. I hate that name," she said, quickly taking a glance at her phone to check the time.

"Well, Olivia—"

"Do not call me that," Via glared.

"Oops. Honest mistake," he said, grinning from ear to ear, "Anyways, Via, if you'll excuse me, some people actually enjoy the wonderful practice of sleep, so I'll be getting back to it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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