- Wattpad Writer Wednesday (Interview)

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This interview was originally posted on on June 22, 2016, by kristimcmanus.

The joy of finding a new Wattpad writer and story is something that only those within the community can understand

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The joy of finding a new Wattpad writer and story is something that only those within the community can understand. There are so many options, so many talents, the possibilities are endless.

Well, we here at Fangirlish are hoping to help promote those talented writers and make your search for your next fav a little easier.

This week fanfiction superhero and Wattpad gem! Find her at amep057.

When did you start writing on Wattpad?
I started writing on Wattpad in May 2015, though I had been a member for a couple years before that. I had posted some stories on other fanfiction websites years and years ago but finally started using Wattpad more actively around that time.

What made you decide to start posting your work on Wattpad?
The main reason I started posting to Wattpad was because of the more active community. It's easy to find lots of people to talk with about the types of stories you love on here!

What made Wattpad the best outlet for your writing?
Wattpad made it easy to create books and share them with people I thought would like them. As I said before, it was easy to find people who enjoyed similar things. The community has been so encouraging, which is important to me because I'm generally very shy about sharing my creativity with others.

Why is it that you write?
There are a lot of reasons! First and foremost, I write to share stories that I just can't get out of my head. Some stories tend to take on lives of their own and demand to be told. And if I refuse, I tend to lose sleep! I also write to make sense of personal emotions and past experiences. It is a very cathartic outlet.

Do you want to be an author?
I would absolutely love to be a full-time author! Maybe one day, if I ever get up the confidence to move on from fanfic, I will actually start writing that original Science Fantasy story I've been dreaming about for a while...

If you could give any advice to a Wattpad writer, what would it be?
Write as much as you can, as fast as you can, and then proofread later. When you're feeling that you need to just get that story down, don't impede the creative flow by stopping to think if other people will think it is good. Once you've blocked out an entire scene/chapter, then go back to read/edit. Also, proofreading is super important! Readers will really appreciate any extra time you put in to make sure all of your spelling and grammar is as close to perfect as possible. Even if it means longer downtime between updates. Find a beta reader if you need to! That extra pair of eyes will come in really handy.

What fandom do you think that you would never write about?
One Direction. I don't have anything against those boys, but there are just so many stories already out there. I'm pretty sure 1D is most of Wattpad's entire fanfiction section. Also, I really don't know enough about them to even begin thinking about a story. I honestly don't even know all of their names.

What fandom do you want to write about?
There has been an idea for a Once Upon A Time story floating around my head for almost a year now! Maybe when I finish my current story, I'll think about starting it. However, I'm determined to finish my Captain America fanfic, "American Noise" before I start any new writing projects :-)

What made you decide to write fan fiction?
I first started writing fanfiction when I was about fourteen. I was in love with the idea of being whisked off to the Star Wars universe to become a Jedi's padawan and follow Qui-Gon and a handsome, young Obi-Wan on their adventures through the galaxy. I couldn't find a pre-existing story that filled that emotional need at the time, so I decided to take matters into my own hands! Even if it was for only two short chapters of a story that was never finished... lol

Who are your favorite published authors?
J.K. Rowling must be said first. It is because of the Harry Potter books that I developed a love for reading in the first place. I also love J.R.R. Tolkien (Hobbit and Lord of the Rings), George R.R. Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire), S.E. Hinton (The Outsiders, Rumble Fish), Madeleine L'Engle (A Wrinkle In Time), Phillip Pullman (The Golden Compass), Dan Brown (The DaVinci Code), and many others that I won't bore you with. This list could get very long very fast!

What's the best comment that you ever received from a reader?
I have had a number of comments from readers saying that my story, "American Noise" is one of the best stories that they have read on Wattpad, and also compliment my writing skill level and say that I should take up writing professionally. I'm not sure if I'd ever be comfortable enough to quit my day job to pursue this, but it's nice to feel that my creativity is so well received by so many other people.

Tell us about a story you've written that you're most proud of and why people should be reading it.
The story that I am most proud of is the story that I am currently working on: my Captain America fanfic, "American Noise". I am 13 months into writing it so far at over 40,000 words and 11 chapters. It is the first story I have ever gotten this far with (it's almost the length of a real novel!) and I have put so much thought and planning into it. Also, Wattpad has deemed "American Noise" to be good enough to be a featured story in their Fanfiction section, so that also just does wonders for my self-esteem! I think that people should read it if they are looking for something a little bit different than their typical OC-centric fanfic.

Do you ever write from experience?
Frequently, especially in "American Noise". In this story in particular I am writing a great deal about the characters' personal feelings, and I'm drawing from my own past for certain aspects of the story with twists. So there are situations that may not have transpired in my own experiences exactly how it is written out, but they are very much rooted there.

Have you made friends thanks to being an author on Wattpad?
Yes, I have! In particular, my beta reader theaidenrose and I have become very close over the course of the year that we have been working together. It's hard not to when you're working on a creative piece that feels like an extension of yourself.

What's your most well-known story and why do you think it's the most popular?
"American Noise" is by far my most popular story. Attention to detail and special care taken when editing seems to be the thing that resonates most with my readers, especially my earliest readers. Also, I feel like it is something very different than what is typically seen in this particular fandom genre. It's not an action/adventure, and it's not solely focused on a romance. It explores deep feelings and emotions of two characters who are growing a lot during the course of the story; characters who are not only learning about and helping each other but learning about themselves as individuals.

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