Chapter 1

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We were driving home from my cottage when we got in the accident. The accident that changed my life. I remember that day perfectly. It was one of those perfect summer days. Hot, but not humid, and not a cloud in the sky.

W had just stopped for ice cream and it was dripping all over the car. My mom was in the passenger seat of the car, she was leaning back to help my sister get the sticky ice cream off of her shirt. I was eating cotton candy ice cream. My parents would always mock me and say that I have the very worst taste in ice cream. My favorite flavors consist of bubble gum, cotton candy and banana.

The dog was sitting on me trying to get his head out the window, his ears blowing in the wind and his tail covered in my sisters ice cream. Everything we had brought to the cottage was packed in the back of our small car.

Everything was going fine, everyone was happy. Then with a boom, my life was changed forever. I drunken truck driver smashed into our car on the highway, sending us flying into a ditch. I don't remember the accident, I was knocked unconscious.

I remember waking up in the hospital hours later being told my family had died. That I was the only survivor. I was devastated. Everything that I knew was gone, everything that I loved was gone.


I was inspecting the ceiling above my hospital bed, trying not to cry. Whenever I cried the nurses would think I was hurting and give me pills that made me sleepy. My body hurt, not from the accident but from the news I was given. I felt like, well, I'd been hit by a car.

My arm was broken, along with several ribs and I had a concussion.

I had no one. Both my parents were only children and all my grandparents were dead. Where was I going to go?

The ceiling cracks were beginning to look like my dad, I think I was going a little crazy—must have been the morphine.

A doctor entered. He was looking very nervous and upset. I liked him already. It had been pissing me off how calm the doctors and nurses were when they told me I lost everything. They told me like it was no big deal, and then when I cried they looked at me like I was being immature. I hated this place.

“Beth, are you awake? I have some news for you,” he said.

I nodded yes.

“What you don't know is that we had some trouble waking you up from your coma.”

I'd been in a coma for a few hours, after the accident, but I didn't know they had had trouble waking me up. I hoped that he wasn't going to tell me I had lost my memory or gone brain dead because that I could not handle.

“You were loosing blood quickly,” he said. “And when we tries to put blood into you to wake you up you rejected it. We found this odd, people do not just reject there blood type. We assumed that you had the wrong blood type so we took some of your blood to the lab. It turns out you have AB blood type, which is fairly rare. This is very different from your birth certificate which claims you have a A blood type.”

I stared at him blankly. I could have cared less about what type of blood I had.

“We looked into this a little bit more because its weird. People's blood types don't just change. We talked to the nurse who gave birth to you. She had some answers.”

He looked at me sadly, like he felt bad for me. I knew the news he was about to give me would not be good.

“The nurse said that there was something weird about your birth. She had always wondered if she had made a mistake. You see, there was this other couple giving birth at the same time as your parents. This couple was having a girl. It was known to all of the doctors and nurses at the hospital that this couple's child would not survive. The mother had had many complications with the pregnancy. Your parents baby came out dying and was sent to this nurse, she was to try to save it. At the same time another baby, the one from that couple I was telling you about, was sent to the nurse because she was having trouble breathing. Your parents baby died and that couples baby lived. The nurse assumed that the couples baby must have died because of the complications, so she gave your parents that baby.”

He pauses, it takes me a while to catch on to what he's saying.

“We checked your blood and found that you are that couples child. You were never related to your parents.”

He waited to let it sink in. I wanted to kill him. How could he say this? Was it some cruel trick?

“That's not funny,” I say.

“No it's not Beth, but it's the truth. There's one other thing you need to know. Do you know who Carter Lane and Kristin Harris are?”

Yes, I knew who they were. Who didn't. They were just the two biggest celebrities. Together they have won like a million oscars. I remembered hearing that they used to be married. They would have been a power couple, that's for sure. The doctor did not wait for me to answer, he continued to talk.

“Well they were the couple I was telling you about. They're your real parents.”

Now I was sure I was going crazy. What he just said could not be true, could it?

Author Note: Sorry about the spelling mistakes. I'll read it through some other time when I'm less busy. I'd love to hear what you think, this is my new idea for a story.

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