Chapter 1

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I was home alone watching Netflix while my father was who knows where. I'm pretty much home by myself everyday. Its just me and my dad, and it's been this way for about 9 years. Ever since my mother passed away in car accident, he's made some really bad choices.

It was almost midnight and I was feeling a bit hungry, so I went to make some popcorn. While waiting for it to get done I began texting my best friend, Harry Styles.

Me: Harrrry!(:

Harry: Arrrrri!

Me: I miss you :(( will you come over?

Harry: I can't

Me: why??

Harry: Because its late

Me: ugh, fine come over tomorrow?

Harry: Yeah, sure thing love x

Me: love you! Bye xo

Harry: Bye x

My popcorn was finally done, so I took the bag out and poured it into a bowl. I walked back into the living room and saw a car pull up into the driveway. My father stumbled out of the vehicle and the car drove off.

I rolled my eyes and began walking upstairs to my room. When I reached my room, I shut the door and got on my laptop to watch Netflix. While scrolling through the different movies I could here my dads loud footsteps coming up the stairs. I got up to lock the door, when he slammed the door open making me lose my balance and causing my to fall backwards.

He pulled up by my hair causing a tear to fall from my eye. He moved close to my face, and I could smell the alcohol. This was like a routine to him. Go out, get drunk, come home and hurt me, then repeat. I could never get a break.

I tried to push him off of me, but I was to weak. All I could do was scream. Every night I seemed to get worse and worse. It was torture.

When I started to scream, he put his hand over my mouth. I bit his hand and his eyes went red. He began hitting me over and over again.

I woke up from another nightmare that I seem to be having more often. I grabbed my phone off my desk, and dialed Harry's number.

When he picked up, I could tell that had woken him up.

Me: "I'm sorry for waking you"

Harry: "Don't be, are you okay?"

Me: "yeah, I just had another bad dream"

Harry: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Me: "yeah, could you come over.. Please?"

Harry: "Yeah, I'll be over soon"


Authors Note


My names Mikayla

Andd I really hope you like this first chapter

I also have another story called Are You Afraid?

You can check it out if you want to, I'm still deciding if I want to continue it or not.

I took an extremely long break from Wattpad, and I'm glad to be back

Follow my Instagram @simply.mik.ayla

(If you want me to follow you, just say that you're from Wattpad so I'll be sure to follow you)

If you would like to chat, or ask me anything my kik is spongebob_horan

Goodbye lovelies! 💕

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