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“Thanks again for watching Kevin. I hope he won’t be too much of a bother.”

Johanna smiled at her sister. “Don’t be silly. I love having him, Steph. I just hope he won’t be too bored. I don’t know how entertaining an eight year finds me.”

Stephanie leaned back on the couch. “He adores you. Don’t worry, I packed plenty of toys and games. He’ll love the beach. And I absolutely love this house. How are you going to be able to leave it?”

Johanna glanced around the living room of her summer rental. “I love this place, too, but I’d miss the city too much if I stayed permanently. I can’t believe I found a beach house away from the crowds and traffic.”

“It’s a side of New Jersey most people don’t think of, that’s for sure.” Stephanie got up. “Philip couldn’t believe I was driving Kevin this far so you could babysit. I confess that the beach was a big factor in my decision. For him and for me. Can we sit outside a while before I go? I’m not keeping you from your writing, am I?”

Johanna got up. “Of course not, I could use a break. I’m kind of stuck anyway.”

Stephanie laughed. “Isn’t that why you rented this house? So you could get unstuck?”

“Indeed. So far, it’s not working. I’ve spent more time by the water than in front of my computer.”

 “Is Brad part of the reason you’re stuck?”

“Let’s go outside and talk.” Johanna went to the staircase. “Kevin! Your mom and I are going outside for a few minutes. Why don’t you and Gracie come on out, too?”

Johanna smiled as her nephew galloped down the stairs, with her German shepherd right behind him. He came to a halt in front of the women. “Mom! Guess what? I can see the ocean from the room I’m staying in. Can I stay here all summer?’

            Stephanie laughed. “I’m afraid not, honey. Your dad and I will be back Sunday to get you. You have a baseball game Monday, remember?”

His shoulders slumped. “Oh, yeah. Can I at least get a dog like Gracie?”

Johanna grinned at her nephew. How on Earth did Steph deny this little guy anything?

“Maybe someday. That’s a bid decision. Why don’t you enjoy Gracie right now. ”

Kevin looked crestfallen for a second then brightened. “Can I go swimming later, Aunt Johanna?”

Johanna ruffled his hair. “Of course. But right now, your mom and I are going to talk, so I don’t want you to go by the water.”

“Grownup stuff, right?” Kevin asked as he followed the women outside.

She smiled. “Yes, sweetheart, grownup stuff.”

Johanna arranged the lounge chairs so that her sister and she could sit together and still keep an eye on Kevin while he played catch with Gracie.

“Okay,” Stephanie wiggled back in her chair. “So tell me all about Brad. Are you getting back together?”

“That’s the real reason you’re hanging around, isn’t it” Johanna cocked an eyebrow at her younger sister as her lips twitched in a smile. There were ten years between them, but they’d always been close. Johanna still felt protective of Stephanie.

            “Not entirely. I am curious, though. Come on, I want to hear about your big romance.”

Johanna laughed. “Not so big. We’ve gone out a few times. I don’t know that you’d call it back together.”

“You’re smiling. And blushing. Johana loves Brad, Johanna loves Brad,” she sang out.

Johanna swatted at her. “Stop. It’s nothing like that.”

“You need someone in your life, Johanna. Jeez. I don’t want you to die alone. Maybe you guys can re-marry and work it out this time. There isn’t anyone else is there?”

Stephanie knew very well there was no one else in her life at the moment. Were Brad and she headed for the altar again? Could they make a successful marriage this time? Is that what she even wanted? So many questions. They’d married when they were both in their early twenties. Soon after he graduated from college, he had been hired by the elite ad agency Blenheim & Dorsey, and before she hit twenty-five she had written three best-sellers.

Brad was still at the same agency, only now Brad was a partner, so it was Blenheim, Dorsey & Grayson. The agency had grown, not so their marriage. It had had lasted for four years. At least there were no children involved. Two months ago they’d run into each other at a fundraiser at the New York City Public Library.

She couldn’t even remember the reason for the fundraiser now. She did remember sharing a cab in the rain with Brad and ending up at her place where they made out on his couch like two teenagers. Now they were trying to get to know each other again. Going to movies, plays, dinner. Normal things that dating couples did. But a big romance? She wasn’t sure. She was about to reply, but a movement caught her eye.

“Wow,” whispered Stephanie. “Who’s he?”

Johanna didn’t speak for a minute. Like Stephanie, she was drawn to the man running on the beach toward them. She’d seen him before, but they’d never spoken. As he jogged closer, she took in his thick black hair, sexy chiseled cheekbones and full lips; wondering again about the scar slashing through one eyebrow. Her eyes moved to his broad chest and flat stomach before finishing their journey at a pair of muscular legs.

She answered Stephanie as he got even closer. "He lives in the house next door. I don’t even know his name.” She didn’t know anything about him, other than evidently, he was a runner, like she. Somehow, they’d avoided running at the same time, which was fine with her. She was here to finish her twentieth novel. Not socialize.

Stephanie frowned as he jogged on by, ignoring the women, but ruffling Kevin’s hair for a second. “He’s hot, but I don’t know that I like you living out here with some guy as your only neighbor. What if he’s a crazed killer?”

Johanna smiled. Steph was just as protective of her as she was of Steph. “I don’t think so. He pretty much minds his own business as I do. Besides, the real estate agent that rented me this place assured me he’s perfectly law abiding, he just wants to be alone.”

“She never mentioned his name?”

Johanna shook her head. “No and I didn’t ask. I don’t care. Don’t worry. The house is alarmed, I have Gracie, and there’s a mean set of culinary knives in the kitchen.”

“That’s not funny. I think I’d be happier if you went back to your condo in New York.”

“I’ll be fine. Really.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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