Introduction/Author's note

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I published some time ago a Little Women theory on the Penderwicks, which turned out to be kind of a bit wrong and therefore, I removed it (yup, Batty and Jeffery was not my guess, but I understand it now. With the help of Emily of New Moon and The Exiles in love and a bit reading the original books in English (so much for translation issues...)....). 

I read the series again, plus Little Women and a lot of other classics, and I looked something up, including the Latin and Czech sentences. I don't blog, but because I through my results shouldn't be wasted, I pin everything here and I would be happy if YOU could add anything in the comments!

For a better outline, I use following abbreviations.

E= Easter egg  (previous books)

L = Literature reference

T= Trope (well, perhaps this is again literature)

C= Cultural Trivia (Music, History)

G= goof (sorry, but I think I would like to add that.... (:  )

Actually, I'm not a shipper because I normally accept everything with a happy ending.

Because I'm especially a big fan of Lydia Penderwick and have a lot, lot in common with her (:

I try to be a bit neutral - like Lydia - and explain all secrets of literature references and foreshadowings in the series.

Just to make it clear: Nope, it's not all it seems, and it's not all Little Women.

In fact, it is rather a very "mean" personal code by Birdsall in the series and I wouldn't call Birdsall

a copy cat. Because she does actually a little bit the opposite of copying...she writes the opposite  (: 

My references will include for example:

Little Women (until Jo's Boys)

Emily of New Moon

a series of 5 books (and the magical numeber 5)

Jane Austen's novels

The enchanted Castle

The secret Garden

Sleeping Beauty (ok. that will be a fun fact)

and music, music, music

And some personal refences to Birdsall's biography I did research

Aaaaand, of course, the secret of purple flowers (: 

And the secret of the middle of the series, the book closures, and why Batty was the main character all the time.

I hope you'll have fun and I'm looking forward to your comments !

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