Chapter 1

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The Parker household is still quiet in the early morning, 15 minutes before either occupant has to be up although one of them has been awake for over an hour watching his partner sleep, slowly trying to categorize every inch his face.

Officer Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti wakes up to find Sergeant Greg Parker watching him with a small smile on his face.

Spike: How long have you been awake?

Greg: Not long. I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful.

S: Well we better get going if we wanna be on time for the workout.

G: I don't have to do anything. Ed isn't my boss.

S: Come on, don't pull that line or I'll stay right here and tell Ed in 2 hours that the boss told me I could sleep in today.

G: Will that be before or after he asks, no tells you to run at least a million suicides?

S: Like it would make a difference.

G: Right, now up we go.

S: Not before I get my good morning kiss. It's against my constitutional rights to get out of bed without my morning kiss.

G: Is that so?

S: Absolutely. So either you can call Ed and tell him I'm not coming in or you have to kiss me.

G: But what about...

S: Only two options Mr Negotiator.

G: I guess for the sake of the team, I'll have to choose the latter.

S: For the sake of the team he says.

Spike smiled before allowing himself to be pulled into a kiss. This kiss unlike all their other morning kisses seemed different. It seemed like there was more longing, more force behind this one.

S: Greg.

G: It's nothing, don't worry.




After their joint shower and breakfast, Spike finally had enough of Greg's longing stares.

S: Okay, what is going on? We can't go into work and risk our lives with our minds pre-occupied.

G: That's why this conversation needs to wait until after shift.

S: No, we're talking now. I won't be able to focus and that's something that you don't want your bomb tech to ever be. Please talk to me.

G: I want you to know that I have been exceptionally happy these last few months and to do this literally tears me apart. Spike we need to breakup.

S: Whoa, what?

G: Spike, the team is under a literal microscope. One wrong move and we're done. Toth is watching us like a hawk. If he so much as suspects that something is going on between us, he is going to use it to end the team. I have a responsibility to all 5 members of my team. I need to think of all your best interest.

S: So this is in my best interest is what you're saying?

G: In the long run, yes maybe.

S: I can't believe, after everything. It's just... nothing. I'll come get my things directly after shift today so by the time you get home from your reports I'll be long gone. I know where to leave the key.

G: Spike...

S: I know how long it usually takes for you to finish up, I'll be gone by then don't worry.

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