Winged Treasure

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 “Move it!” he screamed at me.

“I can’t!” I yelled back terrified, I could feel them getting closer.

“Move it, now!” he screamed back again trying to sit up and push it off.

“I can’t without my music, you shit head!” I cried back, struggling to keep my spilling tears from falling.

“Get this fucking chunk of rock off of me right now, you don’t need your crappy shit!” Neon tried to push the boulder on his arm off once again as I just knelt there worthlessly.

“I told you, I can’t!” I clenched my fists and ground my teeth in defeat as the tears fell down unwillingly.

“Well isn’t that fucking nice of you! Leaving me here to get away! Go!” he threw the dirt with his free hand at my face.

I got the message…

“No, I’m not going!” I hugged his arm trembling.

“Aroe, just-” Neon was cut short by a bullet that just missed him.

The small piece of metal penetrated my leg with a scorching pain that took over within mere seconds. In shock we both snapped our heads east to see the one group of people that made my stomach sink, The Spotters. Next to them though was Dr. Troy with a stern and fierce face,

“I want experiment No. 0973, Aroe, alive! Kill any other traitor in the way!” he roared across the clearing to the rest of the Spotters surrounding us.

I shot up from bed sweating and screaming with nothing but a dimly lit white room for my comfort. My heart beats were pounding loudly in my ears and nearly making the noisy beeps of the machine that measures my BPM inaudible. I looked at the only coloured object in my room which was my clock, its hands and numbers were written in black (the silver switches never counted as an object) but that was it. Looking at it always gave me an annoying migraine. The time read 10 minutes to six so I decided it was close enough to my usual waking time; I was off just by 10 minutes exactly.   

Disconnecting the sticky plastic pads that were connected to my temples and chest was a daily chore to me now; they were so irritating and made my skin itch whenever I placed them on every night for the other researchers to examine my condition. Taking a step on the cold, white, marble floor I twirled the knob that was just bellow my silver switch to strengthen the lights. The room lit up and the light bounced off the walls and tiles.

I sighed stubbornly as I tried to remember what happened in my persistent dream. First the voices were forgotten, then their faces disappeared and now I can hardly remember what the event was in it! Oh well, it is just a worthless dream.

My white, silk, night gown slipped off of my body easily and I dropped my clothing in the drop basket on my way to the shower. Unsurprisingly my mirror changed and a man appeared on the other side of it- it was a two way mirror.

“Hello Aroe, how did you sleep? Is your insomnia starting to go away now with your medicine?” asked the short brown haired man.

I slipped into the shower nonchalantly and turned the knobs for cool water to refresh me, “It is starting to work bit-by-bit, Dr Troy, and that dream I mentioned. It repeated yet I still can’t remember it.”

Dr Troy wrote on his clip board with a friendly smile, “The dreams have been occurring over a month now; it commenced two weeks after your 15th birthday, correct?” I nodded my head in the middle of washing my hair, “Alright, we may run some tests with the electrical patterns of your brainwaves to eliminate the possibilities of it not being a new ability. Now today’s clothing is in the drawer with 79 degrees. You must start at point X on the bench and find it. If you touch the wrong handle an electrical current will zap you. Please start the timer on your wrist Altriphim when you begin, stop it once you find the right drawer, and we will meet you outside once you are finished, Aroe.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2012 ⏰

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