Emily Jones- Introduction

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My name is Emily Jones and I'm 20 years old. Im majoring in Business and Economics and is in University of California. 5 months ago, my life was a mess, I had to work as hard as I can to provide and help my dad with our financial issues. I work at a "coffee shop", well at least that's what I told my dad. I work in a club, serving out drinks. My life has no room for love or big dreams. Other girls at my age, think about college and their boyfriends. Me? Im just trying to get by and finish college. I'm one of those girls who is in the popular group...(let's just say its another version of high school). I've never fit in. In school there are guys who like me, but I don't find anyone interesting. I have deep brown eyes that is so dark that no one can look into my eyes and see the pain.
I still work in a club called the "BB", a club where businessmen and people who has money come in. I was lucky to work here, I was found on the street finding a job. A girl named Elisa helped me out and got me be a server with her. The outfits that us servers have to wear was short and a black crop top, which for Elisa was not a big deal. She loved dressing out. Me and Elisa been best friends since then. We live together now in California. Some times Elisa has a tendency to go out to parties and she had to drag me with her. After everything she had done for me. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have got the money to send back to my father every month. My father always check up on me, which I appreciate but sometimes I wonder if it's his way of saying he is sorry for not being able to care for me like other families does. But I try because he deserves the best. And I wasn't intending to let him down. But then the next night.....I've never though thats my life would ended upside down in one night.
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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